Map: Standard deviation for rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics
Accessing archived Landsat data Order and download Landsat surface reflectance corrected products Africa water balance and soil moisture Africa water balance and soil moisture” Regional synthesis: 3 Extract regional vertical water balance Tile and mosaic global vertical water balance to user defined region Regional synthesis: 2 Extract regional precipitation Tile and mosaic global precipitation to user defined region Regional synthesis: 1 Create region Create user defined project and region Regional synthesis: Overview Overview of how to regionalize data Transfer VWB Framework Transfer VWB Framework data to new machhine FAO reference evapotranspiration Transfer FAO reference evapotranspiration (refET) data to new machhine Transfer TRMM Framework data Transfer TRMM Framework data to new machhine TRMM and climate index cross correlation Cross correlation between monthly rainfall and monthly climate index data. Graphical plots Plot graphical time series data. Time series decomposition Time series decomposition TPI Landform Landform classification from TPI TRMM autocorrelation Calculate rainfall autocorrelation for consecutive months TPI, TRI and roughness Arctic DEM terrain indexes. Terrain anlysis Deriving slope, aspect and hillshape from the Arctic DEM Arctic DEM Downloading and organization the Arctic Digital Elevation Model (DEM) MODIS TWI processing MODIS Transformed Wetness Index (TWI) processing MODIS access Access, download and organize MODIS data Climate and rainfall cross correlation Time series cross correlation Time series decomposition Time series decomposition using climate indexes and atmospheric CO2 levels Climate index autocorrelation Plot climate index autocorrelation Plot climate index Plot climate index time series CO2 observation records Download and import CO2 records Climate indexes Download and import climate indexes VWB map layout and media export Map layout and media export of Vertical Water Balance (VWB) calculations Vertical Water Balance Calculating Vertical Water Balance from TRMM rainfall FAO reference evapotranspiration IMERG precipitation data Accessing, downloading and organizing IMERG precipitaiton data TRMM map layout and media export Accessing, downloading and organizing TRMM precipitation data TRMM precipitation data Accessing, downloading and organizing TRMM precipitation data FAO reference evapotranspiration Accessing, downloadign and organizing FAO reference evapotranspiration Adjust SMAP for open water Improve the SMAP moisture estimates around water bodies SMAP SQL Explore and define SMAP layers with SQL Capture and define SMAP products and layers Set the SMAP template database table for products and layers. SMAP map layout and media export Map layout and media export of Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission data using Karttur’s GeoImagine Framework SMAP Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission processing using Karttur’s GeoImagine Framework GRACE map layout and media export Map layout and media export of GRACE data using Karttur’s GeoImagine Framework GRACE Processing GRACE data using Karttur’s GeoImagine Framework