Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Regional synthesis: 3 Extract regional vertical water balance

Thomas Gumbricht bio photo By Thomas Gumbricht


This post is the third hands-on post in the series of posts on "Regional synthesis" using Karttur’s GeoImagine Framework. In this post you are going to import the Vertical Water Balance (VWB) data to the region you defined in the first step. The example uses the Okavango Inland Delta in Botswana as the region, but you can use any other region as described in the previous post.

The steps for tiling, mosaicking and exporting VWB data for a user defined region are exactly the same as for tiling, mosaicking and exporting precipitation data described in the previous post. This post thus only contains the bare bone commands and xml files required.

Tile and mosaic VWB to region

Tile monthly VWB

Process: tileRegionToModisAncillary.

Tile statistical VWB dataset

Process: tileRegionToModisAncillary.

Mosaic monthly VWB dataset

Process: MosaicModis.

Mosaic statistical VWB dataset

Process: MosaicModis.

Export monthly VWB dataset

Process: exporttobytemodisRegionToRegion.

Monthly VWB movie frames

Process: movieframeModisRegionToRegion.

Monthly VWB movie clock

Process: movieclock.