Map: Average soil moisture 2001-2016, Java, Indonesia
Setup Jekyll Theme Blog
Introduction to this blog Setting up a blog with Jekyll for GitHub using the text editor Atom Setup Jekyll theme blog Set up a blog repository with a Jekyll theme, edit using Atom, and publish at GitHub.com ImageMagick Install ImageMagick and edit your images. ImageMagick text display Add alphanumeric text to images Toggle hide/show code Hide/show div element with code in Jekyll using liquid and javascript. Common assets across sites Creating common assets across sites with the So Simple Theme. Vector overlay InkScape installation and vector overlay in ImageMagick Jekyll theme customization Customizing a Jekyll theme Create FFmpeg movie Create movie with time line and clock for a time series of image maps Animation with inset map Create animation with time series images, small inset map and timeline/clock Setup professional resumé Customize Jekyll theme for professional resumé Photo fixing in ImageMagick Process photos, remove haze from landsacpe images and educe shadows in bright images. Include xml code in Jekyll page Include complete xml file codes as Hide/Show toggle elements Update Jekyll gems Update Jekyll and a trial to upgrade the theme So Simple Github.io front page Create the page for github.io/user Customisation summary A summary of my costutmisations in code Photo album How to create a photo album for the Jekyll theme So Simple with Python Upgrade Ruby and Jekyll Upgrade Ruby and Jekyll GitHub personal token How to use a personal token for accessing GitHub using the command line