Change in rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Change in rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Arduino projects, modules, sensors and components

Arduino is an open-source hardware and software company, as well as a project and user community, that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices. Arduino boards are available in preassembled form or as do-it-yourself (DIY) kits. Arduino board designs use a variety of microprocessors and controllers. The boards are equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards ('shields') breakout boards (pre-assembled electronic comonents) or prototyping breadboards and other circuits. In this repo, the focus is on developing environ-sensing electronic devices using Arduino. In particular spectral analysis projects. The repo is thus divided in the following main categories: Information on commerical spectrometers and spectral analysis suftware are in Karttur´s blog on Spectrometer hardware and software.

Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

Projects (sketch and wiring tuorials for various modules)

Modules (integrated electronic components, usually directly useful for Arduino wiring and sketching)

Sensors (environmental senors, usually available as modules)

Components (Other types of electronic components)

Spectrometers (DIY arduino and commercial handheld)

Design (Designing issues)

Spectrolum (complete spectrometers and ancillary sensors and components)

Blog (information that does not fit the above)