Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Sensor Module Project Nano

project: APDS-9930 Digital Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor


This project page on the diymore APDS-9930 Digital Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor is built from the [Arduinolearning library post] (http://arduinolearning.com/code/arduino-apds-9930-sensor-example.php). Most other wiring pages relate to the APDS-9960 module, including this youtube instruction.

The more advanced PDS-9930 version is presented in a video from sparkfun.

The PDS-9930 requires an input voltage of between 2.2 to 3.6 volt, with 3.0 the nominal requirement.

The wiring online is not correct, If you get random numbers from the proximuty sensor some suggest that you need to put 3.3 vlot to the VL pin. Doing that I got = on all trials with the distance sensor.

The library is no logner maintaied, but available at github

Wiring for the APDS-9930 Digital Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor.
Wiring for the APDS-9930 Digital Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor.


Sensor Module Project Nano