Welcome to Karttur's GithHub pages.
Karttur's pages on GithHub contains a range of blogs on different subjects.
Below the blogs are thematically grouped.
To get more information on each blog, click the group heading (also
available from the top menu). To go directly to a particular blog,
click on the blog titles listed under each thematic group.
Blog Setup Blogs on how I setup, created, developed, launched and customized my different blogs using Jekyll and GitHub.
- Setup Jekyll blog
- Setup GitHub pages
- Setup Jekyll theme blog
GeoImagine Karttur’s GeoImagine Framework, including setting up a spatial data integrated development environment (SPIDE), installing the GeoImagine packages, a blog on machine learning, another one on my travels and various geographic studies.
- Install and setup spatial data IDE
- GeoImagine Code
- Karttur's GeoImageine Framework
- Machine learning models
- Travels
- The Okavango Delta, Botswana.
- Sub Saharan Africa soil moisture
- Guatemala Landslides
- Projection system setup
EnvironImagine Real world quality control with environmental imagine.
- EnvironImagine
Professional Professional blogs, including portfolio providing a picture of a my abilities and achievements, literature and reference information and blogs with background material for my recent studies.
- Professional portfolio
- Literature
- Wetland classification
- Climate Remote Sensing
Miscellaneous Miscellanous blogs on stuff that I either need to, or like, to do.
- Mac tips
- Gamla träbåtar
- Sjötermer