This post is about creating buttons with logos and text, keeping style and typeface similar for all buttons. All the processing is done using ImageMagick.
Basic buttons
The freepik page for buttons vectors contain a large selection of basic free forms and designs. As a starting point I chose the realistic set of glass plates.
Removing the background (trial)
I tried to change the background checker boarding a bit, but that did not work out because the variation in color is too large. I just kept the trials there in case I ever want to try again. Just skip the rest of this section.
convert realistic-set-transparent-glass-plates-blank-shining-frames-isolated-background_1441-2441.jpg -fuzz 10% -fill ‘rgb(180,180,180)’ -opaque ‘rgb(80,80,80)’ result.png
convert realistic-set-transparent-glass-plates-blank-shining-frames-isolated-background_1441-2441.jpg -fuzz 10% -fill ‘rgb(148,148,148)’ -opaque ‘rgb(80,80,80)’ result.png
convert result.png -fuzz 20% -fill ‘rgb(148,148,148)’ -opaque ‘rgb(120,120,120)’ result2.png
Cut out single buttons
Starting with the full size image (2441.jpg with the size 5000x3875), the commands for extracting the different default shapes are given below. The parameter +repage must be given to shrink the produced .png to the actual region with content.
With margin
convert -extract 1630x1630+58+95 2441.jpg +repage circle_1630x1630.png
Without margin
convert -extract 1610x1610+68+105 2441.jpg +repage circle_nomargin-1610x1610.png
With margin
convert -extract 2705x1575+2005+100 2441.jpg +repage landscape_2705x1575.png
Without margin
convert -extract 2690x1555+2015+115 2441.jpg +repage landscape_nomargin-2690x1555.png
Without rim
convert -extract 2670x1535+2025+125 2441.jpg +repage landscape_norim-2670x1535.png
Large panorama
With margin
convert -extract 4460x660+330+1840 2441.jpg +repage largepano_4460x660.png
Without margin
convert -extract 4440x640+340+1850 2441.jpg +repage largepano_nomargin-4440x640.png
Without rim
convert -extract 4400x600+360+1870 2441.jpg +repage largepano_norim-4400x600.png
With margin
convert -extract 1000x1000+200+2720 2441.jpg +repage square.png
Without margin
convert -extract 980x980+210+2730 2441.jpg +repage square_nomargin-980x980.png
Without rim
convert -extract 940x940+230+2750 2441.jpg +repage square_norim-940x940.png
Small panorama
With margin
convert -extract 2630x430+1400+2640 2441.jpg +repage smallpano_2630x430.png
Without margin
convert -extract 2610x410+1410+2650 2441.jpg +repage smallpano_nomargin-2610x410.png
Without rim
convert -extract 2590x390+1420+2660 2441.jpg +repage smallpano_norim-2590x390.png
Medium panorama
With margin
convert -extract 2630x560+1400+3160 2441.jpg +repage mediumpano_2630x560.png
Without margin
convert -extract 2610x540+1410+3170 2441.jpg +repage mediumpano_nomargin-2610x540.png
Without rim
convert -extract 2590x520+1420+3180 2441.jpg +repage mediumpano_norim-2590x520.png
With margin
convert -extract 580x980+4240+2740 2441.jpg +repage portrait_580x980.png
Without margin
convert -extract 560x960+4250+2750 2441.jpg +repage portrait_nomargin-560x960.png
Without rim
convert -extract 540x940+4260+2760 2441.jpg +repage portrait_norim-540x940.png
Bluetooth connect button
In this example you will use a bluetooth standard logo and create a Bluetooth connect button using one of the basic button shapes prepared above.
The required steps are:
- Grab a bluetooth logo that you like from the internet,
- Resize the Bluetooth logo to the final button height,
- Create image with the text you want (“Connect”),
- Combine the images with the logo and the text,
- Convert the basic button to the same size as the combined logo+text image, and
- Overlay text and button with transparency
1. Bluetooth logo
Grab a bluetooth logo that you like from the internet. You have to grab it with margins if you want that, or use ImageMagick to put on margins, alternatively centering the logo when processing. I just grabbed the logo shown to the right.
2. Resize Bluetooth logo
You have to set a width and height for you button. As you are using ImageMagick it is very easy to change the formats later. Once you have decided on the dimensions, resize the bluetooth logo to the selected height (41 lines in the example):
$ convert bluetooth_logo.png -resize x41 bluetooth_logo-x41.png
If you want to change the background color (white in the example) to some color that better matches the button (this might be advantageous for the final overlay) use the parameter combinations fuzz, fill and opaque. The parameter fuzz determines how close to opaque (white in the example) a pixel must be to be converted to fill. Higher values of fuzz will change more generously.
This example changes the background to a blueish-grey color resembling the button background.
$ convert bluetooth_logo.png -resize x41 -fuzz 40% -fill ‘rgb(121,140,145)’ -opaque white bluetooth_logo-grey-x41.png
While this example changes the background to a a very light blue.
$ convert bluetooth_logo.png -resize x41 -fuzz 40% -fill ‘rgb(121,140,145)’ -opaque white bluetooth_logo-blue-x41.png
3. Button text
The text you want to appear on the button must also be designed, for example regarding type face, font size, color, weight (normal, bold or italics) and position. The height of the text image should equal the height of the logo (41 lines in this example). The width can be set freely or adjusted to fit the button you are going to use. In the latter case the width should equal “final width” - “logo width”, as you will join the logo and the text to create the items to be put in the button.
With the first example you get letters with only outlines (as the parameter fill is set to none):
convert -size 171x41 xc:white \
-strokewidth 2 -stroke black -fill none \
-font Arial -family Arial -pointsize 40 -strokewidth 1 -stroke blue \
-annotate +10+35 "Connect" \
In this second example the letters are solid:
convert -size 171x41 xc:white \
-font Arial -family Arial -pointsize 40 -strokewidth 1 -stroke blue -fill blue \
-annotate +10+35 "Connect" \
If you want a text background that blends better with the button, set another xc color (note these are the same two colors as set for the logo background above):
convert -size 171x41 xc:'rgb(121,140,145)' \
-stroke 'rgb(13,49,149)' -fill 'rgb(13,49,149)' \
-font Arial -family Arial -pointsize 40 \
-annotate +10+35 "Connect" \
convert -size 171x41 xc:'rgb(225,225,255)' \
-stroke 'rgb(13,49,149)' -fill 'rgb(13,49,149)' \
-font Arial -family Arial -pointsize 40 \
-annotate +10+35 "Connect" \
4. Join logo and text
If you created a logo and a text with the same height, just assemble them horisontally:
$ convert bluetooth_logo-blue-x41.png connect_text-blue.png +append bluetooth_connect-btn-overlay-blue_200x41.png
To join vertically just change from +append to -append.
5. Button size
As the button overlay is ready you have the size (200x41 in the example). You have to select one of the default sized buttons and resize it to fit the overlay. In the example it must be one of the “panorama” sizes. You also have to decide if you want a button with or without margin or rim. You can also use IamgeMagick to either shave the image further or add a frame.
$ convert mediumpano_nomargin.png -resize 200x41! bluetooth_btn-200x41.png
Change button color
Here is an example of how to add some blue tint to the button.
$ composite -blend 90 bluetooth_btn-200x41.png ( -size 200x41 xc:’rgb(120,120,255)’ ) bluertooth_btn-200x41.png
6. Overlay to final button
You should now have two images of the same size (and in different versions), the basic button and the logo+text image to overlay. You need to decide on how to set the transparency for the overlay.
Blended overlay
The first example of a 50/50 blended overview makes use of the original button:
$ composite -blend 50 bluetooth_btn-200x41.png bluetooth_connect-btn-overlay_200x41.png bluetooth_connect-btn_200x41_v01.png
Alternatively use the button with added blue tint:
Because of the white background in the overlay (logo+text image) the button fades away.
Transparent overlay
You can also overlay the logo+text by setting its background to transparent. The results is better if you then use the text+logo image that already has a background that is close to the button background.
$ convert bluertooth_btn-200x41.png ( bluetooth_connect-btn-overlay_200x41.png -fuzz 10% -transparent ‘rgb(121,140,145)’ ) -gravity center -composite bluetooth_connect-btn_200x41_v03.png
Complete process
The complete process for producing three alternative buttons for Bluetooth connect.
### Complete process ###
# 0 get the basic button
convert -extract 2590x520+1420+3180 2441.jpg +repage mediumpano_norim-2590x520.png
# 1. Grab Bluetooth logo from the internet, name it "convert bluetooth_logo.png"
# 2. Resize Bluetooth logo
convert bluetooth_logo.png -resize x41 -fuzz 40% -fill 'rgb(121,140,145)' -opaque white bluetooth_logo-grey-x41.png
# with alternative background
convert bluetooth_logo.png -resize x41 -fuzz 40% -fill 'rgb(225,225,255)' -opaque white bluetooth_logo-blue-x41.png
# 3. Button text with color set to the same as for the logo
convert -size 171x41 xc:'rgb(121,140,145)' \
-stroke 'rgb(13,49,149)' -fill 'rgb(13,49,149)' \
-font Arial -family Arial -pointsize 40 \
-annotate +10+35 "Connect" \
# with alternative background
convert -size 171x41 xc:'rgb(225,225,255)' \
-stroke 'rgb(13,49,149)' -fill 'rgb(13,49,149)' \
-font Arial -family Arial -pointsize 40 \
-annotate +10+35 "Connect" \
# 4. Join logo and text
convert bluetooth_logo-grey-x41.png connect_text-grey.png +append bluetooth_connect-btn-overlay-grey_200x41.png
convert bluetooth_logo-blue-x41.png connect_text-blue.png +append bluetooth_connect-btn-overlay-blue_200x41.png
# 5. Button size
convert mediumpano_nomargin.png -resize 200x41! bluetooth_btn-200x41.png
# Add some blue tint
composite -blend 90 bluetooth_btn-200x41.png \( -size 200x41 xc:'rgb(120,120,255)' \) bluertooth_btn-200x41.png
#### 6. Overlay to final button
# blended overlay with two different tints of blue
composite -blend 50 bluetooth_btn-200x41.png bluetooth_connect-btn-overlay-blue_200x41.png bluetooth_connect-btn_200x41_v01.png
composite -blend 50 bluertooth_btn-200x41.png bluetooth_connect-btn-overlay-blue_200x41.png bluertooth_connect-btn_200x41_v02.png
# or transparent overlay
convert bluertooth_btn-200x41.png \( bluetooth_connect-btn-overlay-grey_200x41.png -fuzz 10% -transparent 'rgb(121,140,145)' \) -gravity center -composite bluetooth_connect-btn_200x41_v03.png