Ordinary least square estimated change in rain normalised soil moisture 2001-2016, Java, Indonesia

Map: Ordinary least square estimated change in rain normalised soil moisture 2001-2016, Java, Indonesia

Toggle hide/show code

Contents - Introduction - Javascript solution - Javascript + liquid + CSS solution


Looking for a way to toggle between hiding/showing chunks of code using Jekyll and markdown, I came across a bootstrap example. But I could not find any example using markdown and ordinary CSS. Using the standard javascript solution does not serve up the <div> defining the way the code should be display properly. I solved by using a combination of Jekyll liquids and a predefined <div>.

Javascript solution

The normal javascript script solution is straight forward.

function HideShowElement() {
    var x = document.getElementById("HideShow");
    if (x.style.display === "none") {
        x.style.display = "block";
    } else {
        x.style.display = "none";

And then a link to the javascript (if not embedded in the html head) and a sender (button) in the body of the html file that invokes the javascript.

<script src="url/link/to/togglediv.js"></script>

<button onclick="HideShowElement()">Hide/Show</button>

<div id="HideShow" style="display:none">
  for x in range(10):
    print x*10


When used straight the javascript solution does not work with markdown; it collapses the text to one paragraphs, and the code meaning is lost.

Javascript + liquid + CSS solution

To bypass using only javascript I simply put a liquid inside the element (<div id="HideShow">).

<button onclick="HideShowElement()">Hide/Show</button>

<div id="HideShow" style="display:none">

{\% capture text-capture \%}

{\% endcapture \%}

{\% include widgets/toggle-code.html  toggle-text=text-capture  \%}

And then include a very simple widget defining the code block style (_includes/widgets/toggle-code.html) in the same way as other code blocks are defined in the Jekyll Theme. In my theme (So Simple) the code block style is defined using the <div> classes “highlighter-rouge” and “highlight”. I just copied that to the widet. I also had to remove the paragraph elements (<p> and </p>) that are otherwise inserted in the toggle-code.html. And then I can just put a button for toggling hide/show: