Theil-Sen estimated median change in rain normalised soil moisture 2001-2016, Indonesia

Map: Theil-Sen estimated median change in rain normalised soil moisture 2001-2016, Indonesia

Projection system setup:
Part 3 update db


The functions of Karttur’s GeoImagine Framework are built up using processes. All processes are linked to specific types of data or data-sources (e.g. processes developed specifically for MODIS imagery by default only operate on MODIS system data). When creating a new projection system, you must thus update the Framework postgres database to allow selected processes to access the datasets belonging to the new projection system.

Database table process.procsys

The Framework database table that defines the links between processes and projection system is process.procsys.

You can check out the existing links with the SQL:

SELECT * FROM process.procsys;

While you could manually update the database table, you can use a prepared support function under setup_db to update process.procsys using an existing projection system as template.

Update process.procsys using template projection system

The Framework includes several default global projection systems:

  • system,
  • ease2t,
  • ease2n,
  • ease2s,
  • modis,
  • sentinel and
  • landsat

Of these, ease2t is probably the most generic and the recommended system to use as a template. Open the python module and edit the lines under __main__ that define the template system and the new system:

    # Run TemplateProcessSystems to generate a json file for setting up
    # processes to to handle the new projection system properly
    templateSystem = 'ease2n'
    templateEPSG = 6931
    newSystem = 'sweref'
    newEPGSG = 3006
    TemplateProcessSystem(prodDB, templateSystem, newSystem, templateEPSG, newEPGSG)

The function TemplateProcessSystem reads the database and extracts the processes that apply to the template system and writes out a json coded instruction. You have to copy this json command from the screen and save it as a .json file that you can run using the process tableinsert (note that this process is only available from the package setup_db).

  "process": [
      "processid": "tableinsert",
      "overwrite": false,
      "parameters": {
        "command": {
          "columns": [
          "values": [
        "db": "karttur",
        "schema": "process",
        "table": "procsys"
      "processid": "tableinsert"
      "overwrite": false,
      "parameters": {
        "command": {
          "columns": [
          "values": [
        "db": "karttur",
        "schema": "system",
        "table": "systemepsg"
      "processid": "tableinsert"

To run the tableinsert above you have to save it as a .json file, link it via text file and then run it from within the setup_db package. For this example I saved the json file directly under the path of setup_db: setup_db/doc/jsonsql/SWEREF_insert-procsys_v090_sql.json.

Then I linked to this file in the text file setup_db/doc/db_karttur_setup-sweref_20220121.txt:

# Insert table data for process.procsys

Finally I run the commands from the __main__ section of

projFPN = path.join('doc','db_karttur_setup-sweref_20220121.txt')

Query the database to check that the processes are linked also to the new system (sweref):

SELECT * FROM process.procsys WHERE system = 'sweref';

Next step

The setup of the custom projection system is now finished. The system defined in this series of tutorials is used in the project Swedish wetlands.