Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Karttur's GeoImagine Framework:
Setup processes (setup_processes)
Part 5 MODIS tile regions and data access

Thomas Gumbricht bio photo By Thomas Gumbricht


The MODIS SIN grid projection and tiling system is the default system for processing truly global datasets. The tiling for MODIS used in Karttur’s GeoImagine Framework is identical to the original MODIS SIN grid tiling. This post outlines how to link default regions to the MODIS SIN grid projection and tiling system. It also covers the installation of processes for accessing online MODIS products.


The setup of the specific MODIS resources is included in the package setup_processes. Run the setup of MODIS related regions by setting the variable MODIS to True in setup_process_main under the defined functions SetupDefaultRegions

def SetupDefaultRegions(prodDB):
    DefaultRegions = False

    MODIS = True

When you run the module, the MODIS linked scripts will be executed.

    if MODIS:

        '''Stand alone script that defines the MODIS tile coordinates'''

        projFN = 'modis_karttur_setup_20211108.txt'

        SetupProcessesRegions('modisdoc', projFN, prodDB)

The module will first create a default tiling system (function: ModisTileCoords ) for MODIS data that fits the MODIS Sinusoidal (SIN) grid data available from the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC). The tiling system is saved in the database table modis.tileccords.

The file modis_karttur_setup_YYYYMMDD.txt links to a set of json command files that setup the MODIS processing environment in the Framework. Inspect its content by toggling the Hide/Show button and click on the linked json file name.

You can not run the Land Processes Distruted Active Archive Center (LPDAAC) until you have become an accepted user and added your crednetials to the hidden .netrc file. The default command structure thus excludes the LPDAAAC associated processes. Also the database restore commands are commented out, while the database backup of the modis db schema is included.

Figure 1 illustrates the linking of continents to the MODIS system tiling and projection system, in the MOD SIN grid projection.

Continental regions and tiles in the MODIS SIN grid tiling and projection system.

Next step

The next step is adding EASE-grid 2 tile regions and data access.