Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Set up the database (setup_db)

Thomas Gumbricht bio photo By Thomas Gumbricht


In Karttur’s GeoImagine Framework both the processes and the data are stored in a postgreSQL (psotgres) database. The database is built up with schemas associated with typical processes and data sources. This post explains how to setup the complete database by using the special package (setup_db) and prepared json files defining all the schemas and tables.


You must have the complete Spatial Data Integrated Development Environment (SPIDE) installed as described in the blog Install and setup spatial data IDE. This post is a step by step manual for downloading and running the Framework python package setup_db. You can also clone the complete Framework - TO BE ADDED and then run setup_db.

Setup database

The blogpost Connect Python and PostgreSQL using psycopg2 contains a python script for creating databases in postgres using Python. And the blogpost Postgres setup with Python & xml describes how to combine xml and python to create tables. More recent versions of the Framework instead use json objects for parameterisation. But if you want to understand the principles behind the framework package setup_db, the blog posts above explains just that.

db_setup python package

The framework v2.0 package setup_db is available on GitHub (click the link or see the figure below) and contains the complete structure for setting up the Framework postgres database.

The db_setup package contains five .py files, the standard modules __init__.py and version.py, plus one main module, one class module and one module that reads json files:

  • setup_db_main.py
  • setup_db_class.py
  • paramjson_mini.py

The package also contains a subfolder called doc that contains two text files:

  • db_karttur_dbusers_YYYMMDD.txt
  • db_karttur_setup_YYYYMMD.txt

The file db_karttur_dbusers_YYYMMDD.txt contains all the database roles (users), and the file db_karttur_setup_YYYYMMD.txt lists, in sequence, all the json objects (files) to execute.

Under the doc directory there is also a sub-directory, jsonsql, that contain all the json files listed in db_karttur_setup_YYYYMMD.txt. The sub-folder jsonsql_todo lists json objects not yet completed for setup.

Download the package

Go to the GithUb repo for geoimagine02-setup_db. Click the Code button and then Download ZIP.

Download setup_db from GitHub

Create a hierarchical python package in eclipse

Start Eclipse. Create a project (call it what you want):

File : New : Project : PyDev project

Create a new PyDev Package and call it ‘geoimagine’:

File : New : PyDev Package

Create a new sub-package and call it ‘db_setup’:

File : New : PyDev Package

In the dialog window you should see the main package (‘geoimagine’) already filled (geoimagine). Use Python syntax and add a dot (.) followed by the name of the sub-package (‘db_setup’) (geoimagine.db_setup).

Use the Finder and navigate to the download/clone of the setup_db package, mark all of the content and drop in the newly created sub-package in the navigation frame of Eclipse.

You should now have a sub-package with the following file structure:

| |____db_karttur_setup_20211018.txt
| |____db_karttur_dbusers_20211018.txt
| |____jsonsql
| | |____compositions_sentinel_v090_sql.json
| | |____modis_tilecoords_v090_sql.json
| | |____compositions_system_v090_sql.json
| | |____compositions_smap_v090_sql.json
| | |____user_super_v090_sql.json
| | |____general_processeschain_v090_sql.json
| | |____general_schema_v090_sql.json
| | |____layout_v090_sql.json
| | |____general_records_v090_sql.json
| | |____sentinel_template_v090_sql.json
| | |____compositions_regions_v090_sql.json
| | |____landsat_scenes_bands_v090_sql.json
| | |____sentinel_tilecoords_v090_sql.json
| | |____soilmoisture_v090_sql.json
| | |____modis_template_v090_sql.json
| | |____user_projects_v090_sql.json
| | |____compositions_export_v090_sql.json
| | |____users_v090_sql.json
| | |____climateindexes_v090_sql.json
| | |____all_system_regions_v090_sql.json
| | |____modis_tile_regions_v090_sql.json
| | |____landsat_scenecoords_v090_sql.json
| | |____landsat_templates_v090_sql.json
| | |____compositions_modis_v090_sql.json
| | |____compositions_landsat_v090_sql.json
| | |____system_regions_v090_sql.json
| | |____SMAP_products_v090_sql.json
| | |____SMAP_template_v090_sql.json
| | |____general_processes_v090_sql.json
| | |____sentinel_scenes_bands_v090_sql.json
| | |____regions_v090_sql.json
| | |____general_grant_karttur_v090_sql.json
| | |____compositions_ancillary_v090_sql.json
| | |____compositions_specimen_v090_sql.json
| | |____ancillary_v090_sql.json
| | |____general_GDALtypes_v090_sql.json
| | |____modis_scenes_bands_v090_sql.json
| |____jsonsql_todo
| | |____endmember_v090_sql.json
| | |____compositions_ease2_v090_sql.json
| | |____specimen_v090_sql.json
| | |____specimen_satdata_v090_sql.json
| | |____landsat_tilecoords_v090_sql.json
| | |____general_grant_sql_v090_sql.json

Package processes

The database setup is accomplished through a set of special processes:

  • createschema
  • createtable
  • tableinsert
  • tableupdate
  • grant

These processes are not defined in the database itself and can only be run from the package setup_db.


In setup_db_main.py there are predefined commands and links in the main section that are used to setup the entire database. You do not need to edit any of these files unless you want to change the default roles (users) as explained in the preparation post on Database connections.

Create main production db

If you did not create a production db as described in the post Postgres setup with Python & xml you have to create it now. The default name of the database is postgres, but it can be set to any other name.

To create the production database uncomment the first lines under the “__main__” section, and then run the module from the Eclipse menu Run : run.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    This module only needs to be run at the very startup of building the Karttur Geo Imagine framework.
    To run, remove the comment "#prodDB" and set the name of your production DB ("YourProdDB")
    verbose = 1
    #prodDB = 'YourProdDB' #'postgres

    # SetUpProdDb creates an empty Postgres db cluster
    # Change 'YourProdDB' to the name of your db

You should now have a production database. If you want to check the database or change/add superuser(s) please refer to the post on Install PostgreSQL and postGIS.

Setup schemas and tables

The next lines of the “__main__” section link to the files in doc subfolder and loops through them to setup all the schemas and tables. All you need to do is to uncomment the lines as shown below.

    SetupSchemasTables creates schemas and tables from json files, with the relative path to the
    json files given in the plain text file "projFPN".
    projFPN = path.join('doc','db_karttur_setup_20211018.txt')

The file db_karttur_setup_20211018.txt only contains links to the json files to loop over.

Run the module, and all the schemas and tables defined in the above json files will be created.

Add default users

The next lines under the __main__” section link to the text file db_karttur_dbusers_20211018.txt.

    #db_karttur_dbusers_YYYYMMDDX.xml adds db users for handling connections to postgres db
    projFPN = path.join('doc','db_karttur_dbusers_20211018.txt')

This links to a single json file general_grant_karttur_v090_sql.json that contains all the database roles and rights, including passwords. You need to edit the passwords to match the .netrc file that is used for accessing the database at runtime.

Superusers and process for setting up all other processes

The package db_setup also installs the system superuser and two processes: addrootproc and addsubproc. Having access to the superuser and the two processes, all other processes can be installed using the package setup_processes.