Rootprocess: ManageRegion

Subprocess: userregionfromcoord

Excerpt: User regions are defined both in lat lon, and ay other epsg projection given by user

Process XML structure and parameters

For details on parameters see the table below
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <!--Generated from python-->
  <userproj plotid="yourplotid" projectid="yourprojectid" siteid="yoursiteid" system="systemid" tractid="yourtractid" userid="youruserid"/>
  <period endday="DD" endmonth="MM" endyear="YYYY" seasonendday="DD" seasonendmonth="MM" seasonstartday="DD" seasonstartmonth="MM" startday="DD" startmonth="MM" startyear="YYYY" timestep="timestep"/>
  <parameters epsg="xyz" extentsource="txtstring" maxx="" maxy="" minx="" miny=""/>
paramid parent element type tagorattr required default
extentsource process parameters text attribute yes coords
epsg process parameters integer attribute yes
minx process parameters float attribute yes
miny process parameters float attribute yes
maxx process parameters float attribute yes
maxy process parameters float attribute yes