Rootprocess: ManageRegion

Subprocess: tractfromcoordcsv

Excerpt: User rtract are defined both in lat lon, and ay other epsg projection given by user

Process XML structure and parameters

For details on parameters see the table below
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <!--Generated from python-->
  <userproj plotid="yourplotid" projectid="yourprojectid" siteid="yoursiteid" system="systemid" tractid="yourtractid" userid="youruserid"/>
  <period endday="DD" endmonth="MM" endyear="YYYY" seasonendday="DD" seasonendmonth="MM" seasonstartday="DD" seasonstartmonth="MM" startday="DD" startmonth="MM" startyear="YYYY" timestep="timestep"/>
  <parameters epsg="xyz" getmodtiles="True/False" getwrs="True/False" parentid="txtstring" public="True/False" roi="True/False" tractid="txtstring" tractname="txtstring"/>
  <srcfilepath filepath="txtstring" id="txtstring"/>
  <dstpath datfiletype="txtstring" hdrfiletype="txtstring" volume="txtstring"/>
  <srccomp band="txtstring" cellnull="" celltype="txtstring" dataunit="txtstring" folder="txtstring" measure="txtstring" offsetadd="" product="txtstring" scalefac="" source="txtstring" suffix="txtstring"/>
paramid parent element type tagorattr required default
tractid process parameters text attribute yes
tractname process parameters text attribute yes
parentid process parameters text attribute yes
epsg process parameters integer attribute yes
roi process parameters boolean attribute yes True
public process parameters boolean attribute yes True
getwrs process parameters boolean attribute yes True
getmodtiles process parameters boolean attribute yes True
id process srcfilepath text attribute no filepath
filepath process srcfilepath text attribute yes
volume process dstpath text attribute yes
hdrfiletype process dstpath text attribute no shp
datfiletype process dstpath text attribute no
measure process srccomp text attribute no N
source process srccomp text attribute yes
product process srccomp text attribute yes
folder process srccomp text attribute no region
band process srccomp text attribute yes region
suffix process srccomp text attribute no
dataunit process srccomp text attribute no NA
scalefac process srccomp real attribute no 1.0
offsetadd process srccomp real attribute no 0.0
cellnull process srccomp real attribute no -99
celltype process srccomp string attribute no vector