Rootprocess: TimeSeriesGraph

Subprocess: plotdbtsclimate

Excerpt: No label set yet.

Process XML structure and parameters

For details on parameters see the table below
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <!--Generated from python-->
  <userproj plotid="yourplotid" projectid="yourprojectid" siteid="yoursiteid" system="systemid" tractid="yourtractid" userid="youruserid"/>
  <period endday="DD" endmonth="MM" endyear="YYYY" seasonendday="DD" seasonendmonth="MM" seasonstartday="DD" seasonstartmonth="MM" startday="DD" startmonth="MM" startyear="YYYY" timestep="timestep"/>
  <parameters alpha="" decompose="True/False" figdpi="" figheight="" figwidth="" fontsize="" forceseason="True/False" grid="True/False" kernel="txtstring" legend="xyz" legendfontsize="" naive="True/False" normalize="True/False" obslinestyle="txtstring" obslinewidth="" pdplot="True/False" plotoriginal="True/False" plottendency="True/False" plottrend="True/False" prefilterseason="True/False" savedpi="" separate="True/False" standardize="True/False" tendencylinestyle="txtstring" tendencylinewidth="" title="txtstring" titlefontsize="" trend="txtstring" trendlinestyle="txtstring" trendlinewidth="" version="txtstring" xlabel="txtstring" yearfac="xyz" ylabel="txtstring"/>
  <dstpath datfiletype="txtstring" hdrfiletype="txtstring" volume="txtstring"/>
  <index id="txtstring" obscolor="txtstring" obsformat="txtstring" tendencycolor="txtstring" tendencyformat="txtstring" trendcolor="txtstring" trendformat="txtstring"/>
paramid parent element type tagorattr required default
version process parameters text attribute no 1.3
normalize process parameters Boolean attribute no
standardize process parameters Boolean attribute no
naive process parameters Boolean attribute no
xlabel process parameters text attribute no Date
ylabel process parameters text attribute no none
title process parameters text attribute no none
grid process parameters boolean attribute no
obslinewidth process parameters real attribute no 1.0
obslinestyle process parameters string attribute no densely dotted
tendencylinewidth process parameters real attribute no 1.0
tendencylinestyle process parameters string attribute no solid
trendlinewidth process parameters real attribute no 1.0
trendlinestyle process parameters string attribute no solid
legend process parameters integer attribute no -99
separate process parameters boolean attribute no
pdplot process parameters boolean attribute no
decompose process parameters boolean attribute no
plotoriginal process parameters boolean attribute no True
plottendency process parameters boolean attribute no True
plottrend process parameters boolean attribute no
yearfac process parameters integer attribute no 1
trend process parameters text attribute no spline
prefilterseason process parameters bool attribute no
kernel process parameters text attribute no 0
forceseason process parameters boolean attribute no True
alpha process parameters real attribute no 0.8
figwidth process parameters real attribute no 8.0
figheight process parameters real attribute no 6.0
fontsize process parameters real attribute no 12.0
legendfontsize process parameters real attribute no 12
titlefontsize process parameters real attribute no 12
figdpi process parameters real attribute no 80
savedpi process parameters real attribute no 300
volume process dstpath text attribute yes
hdrfiletype process dstpath text attribute yes png
datfiletype process dstpath text attribute no
id process index text attribute yes
obsformat process index string attribute no 0
tendencyformat process index string attribute no 0
trendformat process index string attribute no 0
obscolor process index string attribute no b
tendencycolor process index string attribute no b
trendcolor process index string attribute no k