Rootprocess: Path

Subprocess: path

Excerpt: set main path reading process

Process XML structure and parameters

For details on parameters see the table below
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <!--Generated from python-->
  <userproj plotid="yourplotid" projectid="yourprojectid" siteid="yoursiteid" system="systemid" tractid="yourtractid" userid="youruserid"/>
  <period endday="DD" endmonth="MM" endyear="YYYY" seasonendday="DD" seasonendmonth="MM" seasonstartday="DD" seasonstartmonth="MM" startday="DD" startmonth="MM" startyear="YYYY" timestep="timestep"/>
  <path ancilpath="txtstring" landsatpath="txtstring" modispath="txtstring" roipath="txtstring" userpath="txtstring"/>
paramid parent element type tagorattr required default
roipath process path text attribute no
ancilpath process path text attribute no
userpath process path text attribute no
landsatpath process path text attribute no
modispath process path text attribute no