Rootprocess: LandsatProc

Subprocess: managebulkmetaurl

Excerpt: Only required if the url link to the USGS bulk metadata changes

Process XML structure and parameters

For details on parameters see the table below
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <!--Generated from python-->
  <userproj plotid="yourplotid" projectid="yourprojectid" siteid="yoursiteid" system="systemid" tractid="yourtractid" userid="youruserid"/>
  <period endday="DD" endmonth="MM" endyear="YYYY" seasonendday="DD" seasonendmonth="MM" seasonstartday="DD" seasonstartmonth="MM" startday="DD" startmonth="MM" startyear="YYYY" timestep="timestep"/>
  <parameters collection="txtstring" enddate="YYYYMMDD" sensat="txtstring" sensor="txtstring" startdate="YYYYMMDD">
paramid parent element type tagorattr required default
sensat process parameters text attribute yes
sensor process parameters text attribute yes
startdate process parameters date attribute yes
enddate process parameters date attribute no
collection process parameters text attribute yes
label process parameters text tag no
xmlurl process parameters url tag no
csvgzurl process parameters url tag no
csvlocal process parameters text tag yes
xmllocal process parameters text tag yes