Rootprocess: GRACEProc

Subprocess: OrganizeGrace

Excerpt: Organize Grace

Process XML structure and parameters

For details on parameters see the table below
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <!--Generated from python-->
  <userproj plotid="yourplotid" projectid="yourprojectid" siteid="yoursiteid" system="systemid" tractid="yourtractid" userid="youruserid"/>
  <period endday="DD" endmonth="MM" endyear="YYYY" seasonendday="DD" seasonendmonth="MM" seasonstartday="DD" seasonstartmonth="MM" startday="DD" startmonth="MM" startyear="YYYY" timestep="timestep"/>
  <parameters accessdate="txtstring" copyright="txtstring" dataurl="txtstring" dsname="txtstring" dsversion="txtstring" epsg="xyz" importdef="txtstring" instid="txtstring" label="txtstring" metapath="txtstring" metaurl="txtstring" regionid="txtstring" replacestr="txtstring" replacetag="txtstring" solutionset="txtstring" title="txtstring"/>
  <srcpath datfiletype="txtstring" hdrfiletype="txtstring" volume="txtstring"/>
  <dstpath datfiletype="txtstring" division="txtstring" hdrfiletype="txtstring" system="txtstring" volume="txtstring"/>
  <srcraw accessdate="txtstring" copyright="txtstring" datadir="txtstring" datafile="txtstring" datalayer="txtstring" dataurl="txtstring" dsversion="txtstring" id="txtstring" label="txtstring" measure="txtstring" metapath="txtstring" metaurl="txtstring" product="txtstring" subtheme="txtstring" theme="txtstring" title="txtstring"/>
  <dstcomp element="txtstring" parent="txtstring">
    <anyid1 band="txtstring" cellnull="xyz" celltype="txtstring" dataunit="txtstring" folder="txtstring" masked="True/False" measure="txtstring" offsetadd="xyz" prefix="txtstring" product="txtstring" scalefac="" source="txtstring" suffix="txtstring"/>
paramid parent element type tagorattr required default
importdef process parameters text attribute no grace
epsg process parameters int attribute no 4326
instid process parameters text attribute no NASA-JPL
dsname process parameters text attribute no GRACE
dsversion process parameters text attribute yes 0
accessdate process parameters text attribute yes
regionid process parameters text attribute no global
dataurl process parameters text attribute no
metaurl process parameters text attribute no
metapath process parameters text attribute no
title process parameters text attribute no GRACE
label process parameters text attribute no GRACE
copyright process parameters text attribute no unknown
replacestr process parameters text attribute no
replacetag process parameters text attribute no
solutionset process parameters text attribute yes
volume process srcpath text attribute yes
hdrfiletype process srcpath text attribute yes
datfiletype process srcpath text attribute no
volume process dstpath text attribute yes
hdrfiletype process dstpath text attribute yes
datfiletype process dstpath text attribute no
system process dstpath text attribute no ANCILLARY
division process dstpath text attribute no region
id process srcraw text attribute no any
datadir process srcraw text attribute no
datafile process srcraw text attribute no
datalayer process srcraw text attribute no
measure process srcraw text attribute no
dsversion process srcraw text attribute no
accessdate process srcraw text attribute no
product process srcraw text attribute no
theme process srcraw text attribute no
subtheme process srcraw text attribute no
copyright process srcraw text attribute no
title process srcraw text attribute no
label process srcraw text attribute no
metapath process srcraw text attribute no
dataurl process srcraw text attribute no
metaurl process srcraw text attribute no
anyid1 process dstcomp element element
parent process dstcomp text attribute no process
element process dstcomp text attribute no anyid1
source dstcomp anyid1 text attribute yes
product dstcomp anyid1 text attribute yes
folder dstcomp anyid1 text attribute yes
band dstcomp anyid1 text attribute yes anyid1
prefix dstcomp anyid1 text attribute no
suffix dstcomp anyid1 text attribute no
measure dstcomp anyid1 text attribute no N
masked dstcomp anyid1 bool attribute yes
cellnull dstcomp anyid1 integer attribute yes
celltype dstcomp anyid1 text attribute yes
scalefac dstcomp anyid1 real attribute no 1
offsetadd dstcomp anyid1 integer attribute no 0
dataunit dstcomp anyid1 text attribute yes