Python packages
KartturĀ“s GeoImagine Framework is built around a set of Python Packages. Most packages depend on other packages. Below is an alphabetic list of the packages that builds the Framework. Instructions for how to prepare you machine and then install and setup a functional copy of the Framework are available as described in the Fount of this blog
export Processes for exporting and backing up spatial data, either for publication or backup storage. extract Processes for extracting spatial raster data. gdalutilities Intarface to GDAL utilities. gis Support processes for spatial data files and spatial data handling. Both vector and raster processes are supported. grace Processes specific for GRACE data, including importing, organizing, gap filling and solution averaging image Specific, but generic, processes for satellite image enhancement, interpretation and classification. kartturmain Main package for running production processes, for now it only works by calling xml scripts. ktgraphics Package for graphics. ktnumba Karttur numba just in time compilations ktpandas Pandas timeseries handling landsat Landsat specific processing. layout Layout settings for map making and export mask Mask processing. modis MODIS specific processing. overlay Raster overlay processes. postgresdb PosgreSQL interfacing. scalar Scalar processing. sentinel Sentinel specific processing. setup_db Setup Kartturs GeoImagine Framework database setup_processes Setup Kartturs GeoImagine Framework processes smap SMAP specific processing support Various support processes. timeseries Timeseries processes. transform Data source and layer transformations (rename) updatedb Update db on locally existing layers userproj managing users, user projects, user tracts, user sites and user plots zipper Zipping/unzipping processes. ancillary Processes for defining, importing, formating and organizing different types of spatial data. Both vectors and raster, as well as text based time-series data can be managed. Point data are usually imported as specimen data, or topodata.