
Thomas Gumbricht bio photo By Thomas Gumbricht



Historical records


The iconic Mauna Loa record

While the atmospheric CO2 content and change can not be directly traced from existing satellite records, the CO2 property as a greenhouse gas is directly related to the C02 molecule interaction with electromagnetic radiation.

The Mauna Loa record started its history some years before I started mine…

Of the CO2 that has been released by mankind since the beginning of industrialization, approximately 44 percen tremains in the atmosphere, 31 % has been taken up by vegetation and 26 % by the oceans.

The climate system

The climate system is regulated by three main processes (that Maureen Raymo refers to a knobs):

  • solar radiation
  • reflectance
  • greenhouse gases

Maureen Raymo youtube uploads

ClimateBlab - Climate Science Web Laboratory

But inside the atosphere-land-ocean system, there are many processes that can eother reiforce or mitigate an initial change in climate. Traditionally these “steering” processes are called “cybernetics” (from greek steering). Those that stabilize (oppisng and change) are popularly called negative feedbakcs, those that reinforce an intina change are coled positive feedbacks.

Albedo changes 2000 to 2019

Take all MODIS albedo, get annual mean and variation and then look for trends, significant and not.

The very long perspective

In the Eocene the CO2 was at 800 ppm. Over geological timescales the rock-cycle regulates the atmospheric C=2. THis has been known for more than a centory, Urey cycle. There is a constant trickle of data refining the balance of the Urey cycle. [I think I have a rather recent science article].

RS can be used for tracking the old “sutur” and assist in identifying the historical “ring of fire” tectonic activity and the exposture of weathering rocks.

The ice age driver - Milankovitch cycles

Maureen had a very cool illustration.

The frozen lasagna allegori - similogi for the lag in the system.

Paleo shoreline and the amount of water bound up (or not) in the polar ice. Look for ancient shores at different elevation in stable contientes (un-affected by iso-static uplift as a result of ice melt.) Landsat + lidar = DEM of landsruface with foreground (veg and buildings) removed. Maureen showed examples (Miami oolite)

Sunspot 11 year cycle

Good explanation and up-to-date article on sun spots in science:The calm before the storms. Link sunspots to climate indexes? The large blob?


African Humid Period. Subsurface Valleys and Geoarcheology of the Eastern Sahara Revealed by Shuttle Radar

China-tanten at my Stockholm Univeristy Department has recently published on ITCZ and Norht African Monosoon (2019).


The oceanic sink for anthropogenic CO2 from 1994 to 2007

Ocean level rise, Maureen said that satelite data showing this exists.


GRACE complete dataset for Graneland and West African Shelf melt. Remember that the Greenlan ice attracts an extra waterpillar of 30 m.

Present situations


The seasonal fingerprint of climate change



Sea level

Remote sensing altimetry, Sentinel 6 will take over in 2020.

Global mean sea level from altimetry satellites 1992-2019.


Ocean temperature - the big [temperature] blob
Vanishing arctic sea ice

The warming anomaly in Arctic waters.

Ocean winds - the CO2 transfer

Science article on increases wind speed using a range of sensors. Global Trends in Wind Speed and Wave Height.

Transfer of CO2 in the Arctic ocean and how the arctic ocean disappearing ice change that.

Explaining Ocean Circulation

El Nino and Climate indexes, have they become redundant.

OCO instrument show carbon content correaltions woth El Nino

The great Atlantic Sargassum belt


ICESAT-2 NASA space laser targets melting poles

Future possibilities


Remote sensing for avoiding double counting

Double counting and the Paris Agreement rulebook

Somewhere I saw a list on opportunities for reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide content?

  • forest
  • soil
  • (wetlands?? so I can add something)
  • ocean
  • rock weathering
  • direct capture


[Global reforestation potential (Restoring forests as a means to many ends)(


Mangrove storm protectionservice


Climate agreements (the Paris deal) and democracy (Science article from 2018): Democracy and climate-change action.