Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

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spectrolum: v080 3D models

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Main container shell body

The main container box of the xSpectrolum v080 can hold 2 differently shaped spectral sensors modules. For each sensor type the container can be produced with or without ports for external sensors. The container can also be produced for only external sensors and no bayonet join for a main spectral sensor. v080 thus comes with 5 different front sides and 2 different back sides.

Front for Hamamatsu C12880MA

3D model of the xSpectrolum front for Hamamatsu C12880MA, with external ports.

Front for Hamamatsu C12880MA without external ports

3D model of the xSpectrolum front for Hamamatsu C12880MA, without external ports.

Front for Hamamatsu C14483MA

3D model of the xSpectrolum front for Hamamatsu C14384MA, with external ports.

Front for Hamamatsu C14483MA without external ports

3D model of the xSpectrolum front for Hamamatsu C14384MA, without external ports.

Front without bayonet joint for spectral sensor

3D model of the xSpectrolum container front without bayonet joint for spectral sensor.

Back for containers with external ports

3D model of the xSpectrolum back for containers with external ports.

Back for containers without external ports

3D model of the xSpectrolum back for containers without external ports.

Main container bayonet cover

The bayonet cover is for protecting the spectral sensor and interior of the main container. It comes in two versions, one higher for the Hamamatsu C12880MA spectral sensor and one lower for the Hamamatsu C14384MA sensor.

Bayonet cover for Hamamatsu C12880MA

3D model of the xSpectrolum bayonet cover for Hamamatsu C12880MA containers.

Bayonet cover for Hamamatsu C14384MA

3D model of the xSpectrolum bayonet cover for Hamamatsu C14384MA containers.

Solid sampling equipment

The equipment for solid sampling consists of a muzzle, that is a cylinder with a bayonet joint that also has a platform for attaching the xSpecled PCB. The other end of the muzzle can be held open against any (solid) object for spectral scanning, or fitted with a sample dish, a white referene or a cover. There is also a separate cover for the white reference.

Muzzle for solid sampling

3D model of the xSpectrolum muzzle for solid sampling.

Solid sampling dish

3D model of the xSpectrolum (grained) solid sampling dish that fits the muzzle.

Solid sampling dish and muzzle cover combined

3D model of the xSpectrolum combined (grained) solid sampling dish and muzzle cover.

Solid sampling white reference (and muzzle cover)

3D model of the xSpectrolum solid sampling white reference that also function as a muzzle cover.

Solid sampling white reference cover

3D model of the xSpectrolum solid sampling white reference cover.

Liquid (cuvette) sampling equipment

The equipment for liquid sampling consists of a muzzle, that is a cylinder with a bayonet joint that usually also has a platform for attaching the xSpecled PCB. The cylinder has a cubic cut-out that fits any of a number of cuvette holders. Cuvette holders include those for full band light that shines through the liquid sample (abosrbance/transmittance spectroscopy) or monochromatic (laser or LED) light that shines at right angle compared to the spectral sensor (fluorescence or Raman spectroscopy). There are also versions, of both the muzzle and the cuvette holder, for attaching a (stronger) external laser. Two different covers are also available.

Muzzle for liquid (cuvette) sampling

The muzzle for liquid smaples, that joins the cuvette holder to the main container using the baoynet joint, comes in 2 version: a standard version for all lightsource that connect via the pogo-pins in the bayonet joins, and one special version for external lasers that lack the pogi-pin connectors.

3D model of the xSpectrolum muzzle for liquid (cuvette) sampling.
3D model of the xSpectrolum muzzle for liquid (cuvette) sampling using an external laser.

Cuvette holder for absorbance/transmittance

3D model of the xSpectrolum cuvette holder for absorbance/transmittance spectroscopy (the cuvette holder fits the muzzle for liquid sampling).

Cuvette holders for fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy

Cuvette holders with light entering from the side comes in different versions with different openings for different light sources.

3D model of the xSpectrolum cuvette holder for 5 mm LED or laser for fluorescence or Raman spectroscopy.
3D model of the xSpectrolum cuvette holder for Speclum PCB, for e.g. 3mm LEDs or lasers.
3D model of the xSpectrolum cuvette holder for external laser.
3D model of the xSpectrolum cuvette holder for narrow wavelength LED; example for 390nm.

Cuvette muzzle cover

The cover for the cuvette muzzle is attached more firmly and permanent compared to the removable cover or the solid muzzle. The cuvette muzzle cover comes in 2 versions, a higher version with room for opposite light suorces and a lower version for other light sources.

3D model of the xSpectrolum cuvette muzzle cover, higher version for cuvettes with opposite light sources.
3D model of the xSpectrolum cuvette muzzle cover, lower version for cuvettes with right angle (side) light sources.

Muzzle bayonet cover

The muzzles come with a bayonet joint that fit in the main contaier shell, to protect the electronics in the muzzles that can be fitted with a cover when not in use.

3D model of the xSpectrolum muzzle baynet cover.

External sensor shells

Two kinds of external sensors come with 3D printed shells. The series of AMS filter based spectral sensors come in a cylinder that is more or less like the solid muzzle, but as a stand alone version with both light and sensor built into the PCB (breakout board) that fits the unit. The AMS external sensors cylinde fits the same sample holder, white reference and cover as the ordinary soild muzzle. The second set of sensors are the MQx series of flammable gas sensors. They all have the same size and basic design and fit in a 2-part shell.

AMS spectral sensor shell

3D model of the xSpectrolum external AMS spectral sensor cylinder.

MQx gas sensors shell

3D model of the xSpectrolum external MQx gas sensor shell, top part with a hole for the actual sensor.
3D model of the xSpectrolum external MQx gas sensor shell, bottom part with holes for cables and the potentiometer for adjustment.

Mold for silicon casing for the Hamamatsu C14483MA sensor

The Hamamatsu C14483MA sensor must be fitted using a silicon frame or casing. To create the silicon frame we use a 3D mold model.

3D model of the xSpectrolum mold for silicon casing for the Hamamatsu C14483MA sensor.