Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

spectrolum: Spectrometer version 0.061d-AMS

xSpectrolum version v0.061

Version 0.06 is built using the same components as version 0.05, based on the Arduino NANO IOT 33 board. But as we are now testing different spectral sensors, with other component kept unchanged, we have added specifications for spectral sensor for each model. This article presents the model 0.061d-AMS, designed specifically for the AMS 6-band sensor.

xSpectrolum v0.061d-AMS contains a battery and breakout boards controlling the charging and drainage of the battery, a fixed DC to DC stepup module outputting 5 volt, and a power switch. All included modules/components are listed below.

A difference compared to latter previous versions is that version 0.06 (as did versions 0.017 through 0.021) includes external probe connections. To make space for the external probes, and a larger battery, v0.06x container is larger compared to the predecessors. Further, one of the two external probes is now a BNC connector requiring a larger control (breakout) board. To be able to control the powering of the external probes, each external connection is powered with a different digital (D) port allowing the external devices to be turned on and off.

xSpectrolum spectrometer version v0.061 with an Arduino NANO IOT 33 microcontroller.

Spectrometer box

The container holding all the components is larger than earlier versions, approximately 95 x 55 mm. The openings at the far end is for the external probes.

xSpectrolum spectrometer container version v0.061.


Spectrometer sample and light source attachments

The sample attachments for version 0.06 includes the required light sources. The samplers are attached to the spectrometer container using TRX connections. The light, samples and spectral sensor are thus always lined up in the most optimal manner regarding each sample type and light source.

Spectrometer light and sampler attachments for version 0061; left is the solid sampler, center is the cuvette liquid sampler and right is the TRX foundation for the cuvette sampler (single model that links all cuvette samplers to the container).

Direct sampling attachment

Version 0.61 does neither contain any sensor for ambient light condition nor any distance sensor. Direct sensing of reflectance thus requires an attachment that secludes the sample from ambient light. The attachment is simply a cylinder that comes in four (4) different version, each with a different light source (links to .stl files):

Controlled solid sampler

The controlled grind (solid) sampler resembles the direct sampler, but with a longer cylinder and a sample holder that fits into the lower half of the cylinder. This gives a more controlled light environment compared to direct sampler. Additionally the use of reference reflectance samples can be used for instrument calibration in direct association with the sensing. The controlled soil sampler thus comes in the same four (4) versions as the solid sampler:

Cuvette sampler

All cuvette samplers are built from two pieces, the cuvette holder, and the foundation that attach to the spectrometer container. The foundation is the same for all cuvette holders. The cuvette holder comes in 5 versions:


image image
xSpectre spectrometer version v0.06x.
xSpectrolum spectrometer version v0.06x with different attachment samplers.

Modules, components and sensors

xSpectrolum v0.61 is constructed from set of modules and components, and can also attach external sensors using either an aviator plug or a BNC prot. To get more information on these modules, components and sensors, including the separate scripts for individual controls, follow the links below.