Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

spectrolum: Attachments v0.06

xSpectrolum version v0.06 attachemnts

Version 0.06 of xSpectres spectrometers is built using the Arduino NANO IOT 33 board. All versions in the 0.06 series (regardless of spectrometer) can use the same set of attachments - or samplers.

xSpectrolum v0.06x with some of the available attachments

The light and sample attachments all have two properties: 1) a light source, and 2) a sample space. The light or mission source is typically a Light Emitting Diode (LED), laser or other light bulb. The sample space is either open (to be held directly against any surface), for ground (or solid) samples, or for liquids, a cuvette.

Available [x] and planned [o] attachment samplers for xSpectre version 0.6.

Light source open solid liquid gas
White LED x x x o
Blue LED x x x o
NIR LED x x x o
Xenon x x x o
Red laser x x x o
Green laser - x x -

Spectrometer sampler and light source attachments


All sampler attachments are connected to the xSpectre spectrometer using a TRX connection (right). The TRX connector also holds the sampler in place in front of the spectrometer.

Open sampler

The open sampler is intended for being held directly against any object. As stray light will almost inevitable affect the spectral analysis, it is not an ideal method (unless performed in pitch dark conditions).

Open sampler with white or blue LED

White and blue LED have the same dimensions and the 3D designed (stl file) model is the same (spectro-direct-cyl-led_20210606_v061d.stl).

Open sampler for white and blue LED.

Open sampler with NIR LED


The Near Infra-Red (NIR) LED used in version 0.06 is an outdated OSRAM LED that is still available from Farnell. I first print a small holder (spectro-osram-NIR-holder_20210704_v062a.stl) and solder wires to the LED and then glue it into the holder. I then put the small holder into the open sampler for NIR LED (spectro-direct-cyl-led_20210606_v061d.stl).

Open sampler for NIR LED.

Open sampler with xenon

The xenon light I use is the 3 volt and 300 mA from Barthelme and available from Conrad.se, it has a diameter of 3mm and a length of 10.5 mm.


The xenon does not have any dedicated anode or cathode. I fit it into the 3d printed sampler (spectro-direct-cyl-xenon_20210606_v061d.stl) using a soft (rubber) holder for micro (3 mm) LEDs (right) available from e.g. Conrad.se.

Open sampler for xenon bulb.

Open sampler with red laser

The red laser sampler (spectro-direct-cyl-red-laser_20210606_v061d.stl).

Open sampler for red laser.

Grind (solid) sampler


The grind or solid sampler comes with a small dish to hold the sample (spectro-solid-holder_20210707_v062a.stl). The solid samplers are identical to the open samplers, except that the ring is longer to fit the sample dish.

Solid sampler with white or blue LED

White and blue LED have the same dimensions and the 3d designed (stl file) model is the same (spectro-solid-cyl-led_20210606_v061d.stl).

Solid sampler for white and blue LED.

Solid sampler with NIR LED


The Near Infra-Red (NIR) LED used in version 0.06 is an outdated OSRAM LED that is still available from Farnell. I first print a small holder (spectro-osram-NIR-holder_20210704_v062a.stl) and solder wires to the LED and then glue it into the holder. I then put the small holder into the solid sampler for NIR LED (spectro-solid-cyl-led_20210606_v061d.stl).

Solid sampler for NIR LED.

Solid sampler with xenon

The xenon light I use is the 3 volt and 300 mA from Barthelme and available from Conrad.se, it has a diameter of 3mm and a length of 10.5 mm.


The xenon does not have any dedicated anode or cathode. I fit it into the 3d printed sampler (spectro-direct-cyl-xenon_20210606_v061d.stl) using a soft (rubber) holder for micro (3 mm) LEDs (right) available from e.g. Conrad.se.

Solid sampler for xenon bulb.

Solid sampler with red laser

The red laser sampler (spectro-solid-cyl-red-laser_20210606_v061d.stl).

Solid sampler for red laser.

Solid sampler with green laser

Not yet available.

Cuvette (liquid) sampler

The cuvette or liquid sampler is composed of two parts, a connection part that links the TRX and the cuvette part, and the cuvette part. The 2 part solution is required for getting accurate 3D printed openings in all direction. The connection part is the same for all different version of the cuvette sampler.

TRX to cuvette connection part

The TRX foundation (link) part that have perpendicular openings for hloding the TRX male connector and the actual cuvette holder (spectro-cuvette-trx_20210606_v061d.stl)).

TRX link/foundation that links all cuvette samplers to the container).

Cuvette sampler with white LED

The white LED cuvette sampler is for measuring absorbance and the light source is positioned on the opposite side of the cuvette compared to the spectral sensor (spectro-cuvette-back-led_20210606_v061d.stl).

cuvette sampler for white led.

Cuvette sampler with xenon

The xenon cuvette sampler is also for measuring the absorbance (spectro-cuvette-xenon_20210606_v061d.stl).

The xenon light I use is the 3 volt and 300 mA from Barthelme and available from Conrad.se, it has a diameter of 3mm and a length of 10.5 mm.


The xenon light bulb is fitted into the sampler using a soft (rubber) holder for micro (3 mm) LEDs (right) available from e.g. Conrad.se.

Cuvette sampler for xenon bulb.

Cuvette sampler with NIR LED


The Near Infra-Red (NIR) LED used in version 0.06 is an outdated OSRAM LED that is still available from Farnell. I first print a small holder (spectro-osram-NIR-holder_20210704_v062a.stl) and solder wires to the LED and then glue it into the holder. I then put the small holder into the solid sampler for NIR LED (spectro-solid-cyl-led_20210606_v061d.stl).

Cuvette sampler with blue LED

Blue LED is used for fluorescence spectroscopy, with the light source preferable placed perpendicular to the spectral sensor (spectro-cuvette-blue-led_20210606_v061d.stl).

Cuvette sampler for blue LED.

Cuvette sampler with red laser

Spectral analysis with a single wavelength laser (e.g. red or green) is for Raman spectroscopy. The light source is placed perpendicular to the spectral sensor. The 3D model for red laser cuvette sampler (spectro-cuvette-red-laser_20210606_v061d.stl)

Cuvette sampler for red laser.

Cuvette sampler with green laser

The 3D model for green laser cuvette sampler includes space for dc-dc step module to reach 5 volt for the green laser module used with version 0.6 (spectro-cuvette-green-laser_20210606_v061d.stl)

Cuvette sampler for green laser, including space for dc-dc step module.

Stand alone samplers

Stand alone samplers are identical to the attached samplers, but without any TRX connection. Instead the stand alone samplers have an opening for attaching fibre optic cables. The stand alone samplers are primarily for evaluation of the xSpectre spectrometers and light sources.


The stand alone samplers are thus prepared for attaching a fibre optic cable by embedding an SMA905 female connector with a collimating lens (left).


sma905 double ended male cables (right) are the most common method for capturing the light the spectral signal to analyse in bench-top spectrometers. One end attaches to the stand alone sampler and the other to the bench top spectrometer.


The power connection of the stand alone samplers are thus not used for holding the sampler in place in front of the xSpectre spectrometer. Power is instead supplied via a JST 2-pin connection (left).

stand alone solid sampler with LED

White and blue LED have the same dimensions and the 3d designed (stl file) model is the same (x-spectro-solid-cyl-led_20210706_v062a.stl).

stand alone solid sampler for white and blue LED.

stand alone solid sampler with NIR LED


The Near Infra-Red (NIR) LED used in version 0.06 is an outdated OSRAM LED that is still available from Farnell. I first print a small holder (spectro-osram-NIR-holder_20210704_v062a.stl) and solder wires to the LED and then glue it into the holder. I then put the small holder into the solid sampler for NIR LED (x-spectro-solid-cyl-osram_20210706_v062a.stl).

stand alone solid sampler for NIR LED.

stand alone solid sampler with xenon

The xenon light I use is the 3 volt and 300 mA from Barthelme and available from Conrad.se, it has a diameter of 3mm and a length of 10.5 mm.


The xenon does not have any dedicated anode or cathode. I fit it into the 3d printed sampler (x-spectro-solid-cyl-xenon_20210706_v062a.stl) using a soft (rubber) holder for micro (3 mm) LEDs (right) available from e.g. Conrad.se.

stand alone solid sampler for xenon bulb.

stand alone solid sampler with red laser

The red laser sampler (x-spectro-solid-cyl-red-laser_20210706_v062a.stl).

stand alone solid sampler for red laser.

stand alone solid sampler with green laser

Not yet available.

stand alone cuvette sampler

The stand alone cuvette sampler has a larger base compared to the attached cuvette sampler that has a separate foundation. The wall holding the female SMA905 connector is also thicker to allow screwing it in properly.

stand alone cuvette sampler with white LED

The white LED stand alone cuvette sampler is for measuring the absorbance and the light source is positioned on the opposite side of the cuvette compared to the SMA female connector (x-spectro-cuvette-back-led_20210606_v061d.stl).

stand alone cuvette sampler for white led.

stand alone cuvette sampler with xenon

The xenon cuvette stand alone sampler is also for measuring the absorbance (x-spectro-cuvette-xenon_20210706_v062a.stl).

stand alone cuvette sampler for xenon bulb.

stand alone cuvette sampler with NIR LED


The Near Infra-Red (NIR) LED used in version 0.06 is an outdated OSRAM LED that is still available from Farnell. I first print a small holder (x-spectro-cuvette-osram_20210706_v062a.stl) and solder wires to the LED and then glue it into the holder. I then put the small holder into the stand alone cuvette sampler for NIR LED (x-spectro-cuvette-osram_20210706_v062a.stl).

stand alone cuvette sampler for NIR LED.

stand alone cuvette sampler with blue LED

Blue LED is used for fluorescence spectroscopy, with the light source preferable placed perpendicular to the spectral sensor (x-spectro-cuvette-blue-led_20210706_v062a.stl).

stand alone cuvette sampler for blue LED.

Stand alone cuvette sampler with red laser

Spectral analysis with a single wavelength laser (e.g. red or green) is for Raman spectroscopy. The 3D model for red laser cuvette sampler (x-spectro-cuvette-red-laser_20210706_v062a.stl)

Stand alone cuvette sampler for red laser.

Stand alone cuvette sampler with green laser

The 3D model for green laser cuvette sampler includes space for dc-dc step module to reach 5 volt for the green laser module used with version 0.6 (spectro-cuvette-green-laser_20210606_v061d.stl)