Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

spectrolum: Spectrometer version 0.051

xSpectrolum spectrometer version v0.051

Version 0.05 is built using the Arduino NANO IOT 33 board. Compared to the older NANO boards, the NANO IOT 33 has a faster processor, inbuilt wifi, bluetooth connections and a 3-axis gyrometer. Despite these additions, the IOT 33 has the same form factor as earlier NANO boards. As with model versions 0.03 and 0.04, additional light sources are built into attachments and powered via a metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), the BS170.

This first version in the 0.05 series is built with the AMS 6-band sensor. It also contains a battery and breakout boards controlling the charging and drainage of the battery, a fixed DC to DC stepup module outputting 5 volt, and a power switch. All included modules/components are listed below.

xSpectrolum spectrometer version v0.051 with an Arduino NANO IOT 33 microcontroller.

Spectrometer box

The box holding all the components is similar to previous versions, but with spaces arranged for the power supply and control.

xSpectrolum spectrometer box version v0.051.


Spectrometer sample and light source attachments

The sample holders for version 0.05 also include the required light sources. The samplers are attached to the spectrometer box using TRX connections. The light, samples and spectral sensor are thus always lines up in the most optimal manner regarding each sample type and light source.

Spectrometer light and sampler attacchment for version 0051; left is the solid sampler, center is the cuvette liquid sampler and right is the TRX foot for the cuvette sampler. The two samplers each come in three versions for different light sources


image image
Assembled electronics inside spectrometer box, xSpectrolum spectrometer version v0.051.
xSpectrolum spectrometer version v0.051 with different attachment samplers.

Modules and components

Modules and components on which xSpectrolum version v0.051 is built. To get more information, including the separate scripts for individual controls, follow the links.