Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

spectrolum: Spectrometer version 0.04

xSpectrolum version v0.04

Version 0.04 was an attempt to construct a spectrometer using the Hamamatsu C12880MA sensor and the same platform as version 0.032. This version was only assembled on a breadboard and never as a stand alone unit. The main reason for this was that we replaced the original NANO v3 microcontroller board with the more capable NANO IOT 33 board. And thus skipped building version 0.04 and instead went for version 0.05.

As a sidenote - the sketch for running the Hamamatsu C12880MA off an Arduino board, presented by GroupGets worked fine with the Arduino UNO (see photo) or NANO boards. The more advanced code presented by Versek et al (2019) however requires newer boards, including for instance the NANO IOT 33.

xSpectrolum spectrometer version v0.04, only assembled using dupont wiring.