Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

prototype: Prototyping equipment

Thomas Gumbricht bio photo By Thomas Gumbricht


This post on recommended equipment was inspired by Andreas Spiess Youtube turorial on Most used tools, tips and tricks to spend your money wisely. Having watched that video I realised that I lacked several key tools for building my Arduino projects. Especially when it comes to Surface Mounted Devices (SMDs). In this post I have listed key equipment for SMD soldering, including links to sellers of the tools.

Solder iron

Probably the most important tool of all is the soldering iron. Spiess recommends TS80 or TS100 pen soldering irons. The TS80 is available from Banggood, the closest I can find in Sweden is from Conrad. However, I already have an excellent soldering station, so I will not invest in a new soldering pen at the moment. The station I have (GM) is no longer manufactured, nor are any spare parts.


I never used flux before, but having watched the youtube tutorial on What’s the best flux for soldering? A comparison with PCBs from JLCPCB, it seems quite helpful.

The RF800 flux is not covered in the youtube video, but is highly recommended on other pages, and available at fyndiq.se and (cheaper) at Autemashop.

The Weller “lötfett” paste is covered in the video, but the packages itself is labelled as not suitable for PCBs at kjell.com.

I also found a pen with flux at fyndiq.se.

Autemashop has a selection of flux for soldering of surface mounted devices (SMD). I bought the flux I use from them.

Power supply (Nätaggregat)

I never had a separate power supply, only just using the usb-port and the Arduino board itself. But I understand that a separate power supply, where you can regulate both the current and voltage, would be useful. There are lots of alternatives. The cheapest I could find in Sweden were from Fyndiq and Wish. It seems that the Fyndiq alternative is also available via Tradera and that it is actually Autemashop that is the seller behind. I got also this piece of equipment from Autemashop.

Oscilliscope or logic analyser

Not sure why I need an oscilloscope, or how to use them. I settled for a logic analyser, that I really neither understand how to use. I found several on Banggood. I can not guess the Swedish translation and thus could not find any product for sale in Sweden. Spiess Video 72 is a tutorial on how to use a USB logic analyser.

Transistor tester

A transistor tester that can determine the resistance of any resistor, the legs of N and P mosfets, diod connection etc. seems a very valuable tool. I had no idea these existed. At Banggod there are a long list of alternatives. In Sweden I found a simple one from fyndiq.se, but the exactly same item is available from Banggood for a third of the price.


I have some old pliers, but I realise that a new and more diverse set would be helpful. In Sweden, sets of pliers are available from either fyndiq.se or kjell.com.

Cable stripper (kabelskalare)

I have longed wished for a cable stripper, but as I did not know that this was the name under which they went, I was never able to find one. Now I know. But then again, buying one in Sweden is not so easy. As usual, Banggood have a wide selection.

In Sweden I found a simple manual stripper from kjell.com. And an automatic one, the kind that are used in most youtube videos. Having a closer look, the latter is neither available online, nor in any nearby physical shops. Biltema has one it seems. Finally I found that Autemashop had two better ones, but under a different name and thus very difficult to find!

Hot air station

Kjell.com has a simple and cheap hot air station. Autema, has a larger selection, including combined hot air a soldering pen stations. And then, on a separate page at Autemashop I found a Hot Air station that seems to fit my needs.

SMD resistor pack (motståndssats)

The only alternatives available in Sweden that I can find, that are actually stocked, seems to be fyndiq.se and Autemashop. But then you have to order each resistor (Ohm value) separately. Useful for production, but not for prototyping.

Banggood have much better assortment, even bound into a book. A smaller set is also available from Banggood


Fan for protecting the person soldering from the fumes. 12 volt cooling fan for PC seems a good alternative. Different sizes available at kjell.com.

Tweezers (pincett)

Package with 7 electronic tweezers from kjell.com. At fyndiq 6 tweezers for electronics is only a third of the price.

Autemashop have higher quality tweezers at 3 USD each.


Microscope for work from banggood.com. In Sweden I can only find from AstroSweden, but it lacks some of the peripheral stuff that the Banggood alternative comes with.