Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Sensor Module

project: SHTxy moisture and temperature project


The SHTxy series of digital humidity and temperature sensors from Sensirion are high quality and available for Arduino as integrated breakout boards from various producers.


SHT1x modules have four wires: power or VCC (red), ground or GND (green), data or DI (blue) and SCK or clock (yellow). You need to put a 1 kOhm pull-up resistor between power and data (red and blue).

Wiring of the SHT1x moisture and temperature sensor. The pull-up resistor is 1 kOhm.


The easiest way to get sketch your SHT1x sensor is by using the SHT1x.h library from GitHub. Download the GitHub fodler with library as a zip file. Unzip and rename the exploded directory to SHT1x (it probably arrived as SHT1x-master), and move it to the documents/arduino/libraries directory (if you installed Arduino using default setting this is under your personal folder “~”). Move the whole folder.

Project with pin power

An alternative wiring is to put the power supply on a digital pin, allowing turning the power to the sensor on/off.

Wiring of the SHT1x moisture and temperature sensor using pin D7 for on/off power setting. The pull-up resistor is 1 kOhm. The wiring is set to pass through a 4-pin connector, that can also hold other sensors, and thus includes redundant pins.

Sensor Module