Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

module: White LED


Should be 5700 kelvin and maybe 20 mA. But I cannot find that.

Searching google with the words “arduino white led 40mA”:

Looking for a white LED to replace the one that is builtin on the modules integrating the AMS 6-band spectrometer, I came across across one alternative developed for lilypad at fyndiq.se. But these are widely available. But I do not think it is the right stuff.

If you search alibaba.com, you get the right stuff, but minimum purchase in in the thousands:

  • “white LED 20 mA 3 v”
  • “white LED 20 mA 3 v 5700 k”

Even stronger

To have an even stronger LED you need a mosfet solution, like explained in this Youtube instruction:
