Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

ide: Micropython


MicroPython is a scaled down version of Python and can be run on microcontrollers (Ãrdruino type of boards but with larger RAM and ROM). MicroPython is then its own Operating System. Otherwise it works like Python. You write and compile the script direcly on the board - your computer is only involved as a screen and keyboard.

CircuitPython is Adrafuit’s dialect of MicroPython.

Media sources

Youtube video on Micro Python pyboard overview

RealPython presentation on MicroPython: An Intro to Programming Hardware in Python

Andeas Spiess (The guy wth the Swiss accent) on Micropyton for Arduino (Time to Say Goodbye to Arduino and Go On to Micropython/ Adafruit Circuitpython?).


MicroPython and Adafruit offer microcontroller boards prepared for MicroPython/CircuitPython. Maybe the easiest to start with is the Metro M0 Express. It looks and behaves simialr to an Arduino UNO board but can also run CircuitPython. It is even avliabel from Elfa.se fr approximately 30 USD.

Zerynth Virtual Machine

Non Open Source solution to Embed Python on your Microcontroller