Map: Standard deviation for rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics
Arduino IDE
Arduino comes with its own Integrated Development Environment (IDE). There is also a a tiny open source Python dialect that runs on microcontroller - MicroPython, and its sibling CircuitPython. CircuitPython is developed and maintained by Adafruit. Trying out CircuitPython in October 2022 I was quite happy with writing code that I understood, but CircuitPython lacks some parts that are required for running xSpecte’s spectrometer Printed Circuit Board and I thus gave up on using CircuitPython. If the required functions are added then I will make another try. The processing stranded on the function AnalogOut that is not available for nrF based microcontrollers in CircuitPython.
xSpectre spectrometer v0.78 json code Arduino IDE arduinojson code for xSpectre’s spectrometer v0.78 Arduinojson Arduinojson CircuitPython capacitive soil moisture CircuitPython code for capacitive soil moisture sensing using the Adafruit Feather nRF52840 microcontroller Micropython rainbow blink Micropython rainbow blinking for the Adafruit nRF52480 Express board Setup Mu Setting up Mu for Micropython Setup CircuitPython Setting up Micropython on MacOS Serial Bluetooth Terminal Serial Bluetooth Terminal is an Arduino app that connects your Arduino to your Android machine. Micropython MicroPython and CircuitPython for microcontrollers Arduino with Python Arduino with Python Arduino Nano project preparation Prepare Arduino for Nano board project The Fritzing design app Install the Fritzing project design app Local library Include local library in Arduino IDE I2C scanner Arduino sketch for scanning I2C addresses on breakout boards I2C communication Ardunio hard and softcoding I2C communication bus MIT App Inventor MIT App Inventor Setup Arduino IDE Setting up Arduino IDE on Mac OSX