Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

component: Right angle 5-pin pogo pins


The previous post on Connection components listed the different connection methods that I have tried for attacing the light and sample holders (“muzzles”) to the main spectrometer casing (box).

Starting with xSpectrolum+ v079 the selected solution is right angle 5-pinned pogo-pins both for the male (main) and female (muzzle) connectors. This post briefly summarizes the selected pogo-pins.

Pogo pins

Pogo pins come in a large variety of form factors and number of actual pins. For version 0.79 and higher, 5-pinned right angle pogo-pins are used. Right-angle pins are less common, and the versions used in xSpectrolum are not available from the usual component suppliers. Instead I get the pogo-pins from AliExpress.

Male pogo pins

The male pogo pins are attached to the main Printed Circuit Board (PCB). The design of the PCB requires a tightly designed connector. The design of versions 0.79 and above is made for the TangDa right angle 5-pin pogo-pins.

Tangda male right angle pogo-pins used in xSpectroulm v079 and later.
Tangda male right angle pogo-pins used in xSpectroulm v079 and later.

Female pogo pins

The pogo-pin that fits the muzzle PCB is the RIPZV right angle female 5-pin pogo-pin.

RIPZV female right angle pogo-pins used in xSpectroulm v079 and later.
RIPZV female right angle pogo-pins used in xSpectroulm v079 and later.