Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Project Nano

component: MT3608 DC-DC stepup


For a more complete discussion on power solution and stepup modules, see the post on Power solution for 3.7 volt Arduino.

When writing this, in 2019 (updating in 2020) there are 4 typical voltages used with Arduino and the power supplied:

  • 3.3 volt for a range of individual components and modules
  • 3.7 volt for lithium batteries
  • 5 volt for most arduino boards and most individual components and modules
  • +7(-12) volt for use as input to a range of arduino boards (with internal regulation).

3.7 to 7-12 volt stepup

The power supply for an Arduino Nano board must either be exactly 5 volt (applied to the 5V port) or between 7 and 9 volt (applied to the VIN port). I tried the solution with a fixed 5 volt DC-DC stepup module. But it was too weak and did not deliver a stable output of 5 volt at different loads.

I then instead got the MT3608 2A DC-DC adjustable stepup module from Banggood.com.

DC-DC adjustable Stepup converter.
Project Nano