Having used Atom for some time (2 years), it is in general great but it has some very silly behaviours with the default installation. First of all it consumes an enormous amount of computing power (at least on Mc OSX) and the autocomplete function is just straight stupid. Here is how to fix those things.
Atom processor use
it is the Atom helper functions that eats all the RAM. You can get passed that by starting Atom at the terminal and in –safe mode.
$ Atom –safe
Later versions of Atom rely on the package autocomplete-plus. To edit the settings, or completely disable, autocomplete-plus, go via the menu:
In the list that opens, choose
A new column opens in the view, and at the top it states the number of Installed Packages. In the search box <span class=textbox>Filter packages by name</span>, you can write the name of the installed package to edit or disable. You can also scroll down the complete list of the installed packages.
Type Autocomplete-plus in the search box <span class=textbox>Filter packages by name</span>. Click Settings to open the list of options available for changing how Autocomplete-plus works.
if you want to get rid of the (stupidity) of changing words upon hitting the Enter key, change Keymap For Confirming A Suggestion to just tab (from the default tab and enter)
If you think there are too many suggestions appearing overall, change the Minimum Word Length from the default (3) to a higher number.
Or just disable the whole package.
If you are not using Atom with GitHub.