Theil-Sen estimated median change in rain normalised soil moisture 2001-2016, Indonesia

Map: Theil-Sen estimated median change in rain normalised soil moisture 2001-2016, Indonesia


Thomas Gumbricht bio photo By Thomas Gumbricht


The Copernicus European Regional ReAnalysis Land (CERRA-Land) dataset provides spatially and temporally consistent historical reconstructions of climate, Earth surface and soil variables. This post describes how to access CERRA-Land data.


You must have a python environment with the package cdsapi installed and you must have a Copernicus user. See the Copernicus page on How to use the CDS API.


The CERRA system is a comparatively high resolution (5.5 km) dataset of climate history forced by the global ERA5 reanalysis and refined using both in-situ observations and satellite information. CERRA-Land is an open dataset available for download under the European Copernicus program (Copernicus Climate Change Service). For details see the page Copernicus regional reanalysis for Europe (CERRA).

CERRA-Land contains more than 30 thematic layers of climate, Earth surface conditions and soil variables, with several of the latter at different depths.

Access CERRA data

CERRA datasets are accessible via Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS). To get directly to the search page click HERE. The data that we are using for this project is the CERRA-Land sub-daily regional reanalysis data for Europe from 1984 to present. The CERRA-Land datasets were developed to allow addressing hydrological modelling, water resource management issues and to carry out climate change impact studies.

CERRA-Land sub-daily regional reanalysis data for Europe from 1984 to present

The following table is a summary of the available data for CERRA-Land.

Variable Unit Description
Albedo % Reflectance of downward solar radiation
Evaporation kg m^-2 The amount of evaporated water from the Earth surface
Snow cover fraction The fraction of the surface covered by snow
Lake bottom temperature K Temperature of water at the bottom of lakes
Lake depth m Depth of lakes
Lake ice depth m Thickness of ice layer on lakes
Lake ice temperature K Skin temperature of ice on lakes
Lake mix-layer depth m Thickness of upper water layer in lakes
Lake mix-layer temperature K Temperature of upper water layer in lakes
Lake shape factor dimensionless Temperature changes with depth in lakes
Lake total layer temperature K Lake total water column mean temperature
Land-sea mask dimensionless Proportion of land/sea in each cell
Liquid volumetric soil moisture m^3 m^-3 Liquid water fraction at 14 soil depths
Orography m Elevation above sea level
Percolation kg m^-2 Water drained out of upper soil layers
Skin temperature K Temperature at the Earth’s surface
Snow albedo % Reflectance of downward solar radiation from snow
Snow density kg m^-3 Snow thickness on the ground
Snow depth water equivalent kg m^-2 The mass of liquid water of the snow column
Snow melt kg m^-2 Melting of snow
Soil heat flux W m^-2 energy received by the soil converted to heat
Soil temperature K Temperature at 14 soil depths
Surface latent heat flux J m^-2 energy received by the soil converted to evaporation
Surface net solar radiation J m^-2 accumulated solar short-wave radiation that is absorbed at the surface
Surface net thermal radiation J m^-2 Difference between incoming and outgoing thermal radiation at the surface
Surface roughness m aerodynamic roughness length
Surface runoff kg m^-2 Excess water at full soil saturation
Surface sensible heat flux J m^-2 Energy emitted from the surface as heat
Surface solar radiation downwards J m^-2 Total solar short-wave radiation at the surface
Surface thermal radiation downwards J m^-2 Total thermal radiation at the surface
Temperature of snow layer K Mean temperature of 12 snow layers
Total precipitation kg m^-2 Total daily precipitation
Volumetric soil moisture m^3 m^-3 Liquid + frozen water fraction at 14 soil depths
Volumetric transpiration stress-onset m^3 m^-3 Soil water content after gravitational drainage at 14 depths
Volumetric wilting point m^3 m^-3 Plant inaccessible soil water content at 14 depths

Download dataset


From the CERRA-Land sub-daily regional reanalysis data for Europe from 1984 to present, select the tab Download data, as illustrated to the right.

Select datasets to download

Select the Variable you want to retrieve; Total precipitation in the example below.

Select the varaible(s) to retrieve.

The variable Total precipitation only has one Level type, Surface, that should be selected.

For precipitation data the Level typ is Surface.

The options for Soil layer are all faded out as there is no such option for Total precipitation.

For precipitation data there are no options for Soil layer.

As we are retrieving historical data, select Analysis from the Product type options.

Historical data is set as the option Analysis from the Product Type options.

Set the Year, Month and Day to retrieve.

Set the Year, Month and Day to retrieve.

You also have to set Time, which for Total precipitation is 06:00; while Leadtime hour is not applicable and thus have no options.

For daily Total Precipitation time is defaulted at 06:00 and there are no options for leadtime hour.

Available Format options for downloading are GRIB2 and NetCDF (experimental). In the example below GRIB2 is selected.

Options for downloaded file Format.

Accept the Terms of use if you agree to them.

To retrieve to the data you must accept the Terms of use.


With all the required fields selected, the button Show API request should turn green. Click on it to see the API python code:

import cdsapi

c = cdsapi.Client()

        'format': 'grib',
        'variable': 'total_precipitation',
        'level_type': 'surface',
        'product_type': 'analysis',
        'year': '2020',
        'month': '01',
        'day': [
            '01', '02', '03',
            '04', '05', '06',
            '07', '08', '09',
            '10', '11', '12',
            '13', '14', '15',
            '16', '17', '18',
            '19', '20', '21',
            '22', '23', '24',
            '25', '26', '27',
            '28', '29', '30',
        'time': '06:00',

If you are using Karttur’s GeoImagine Framework, with the package cdsapi installed, you can run the script above from within the Framework. The instructions for how to setup a non-Framework embedded retrieval using cdsapi, see the Copernicus page on How to use the CDS API.