0160 OrganizeAncillary aws CopDEM 90m (projects)
Import the virtual data to the Framework
The json command file 0160_OrganizeAncillary_aws-CopDEM-90m.json is part of Karttur’s GeoImagine project CopDEM. For details on the commands see the blog on Framework Processes.
"userproject": {
"userid": "karttur",
"projectid": "karttur",
"tractid": "karttur",
"siteid": "*",
"plotid": "*",
"system": "ancillary"
"period": {
"timestep": "static"
"process": [
"processid": "OrganizeAncillary",
"overwrite": false,
"parameters": {
"importcode": "vrt",
"epsg": "4326",
"orgid": "ESA",
"dsname": "coperdicusdem90",
"dsversion": "1.0",
"accessdate": "20210320",
"regionid": "global",
"regioncat": "global",
"dataurl": "https://registry.opendata.aws/copernicus-dem/",
"metaurl": "https://docs.sentinel-hub.com/api/latest/data/dem/",
"title": "Copernicus DEM global 90 m",
"label": "Copernicus DEM global 90 m"
"srcpath": {
"volume": "GeoImg2021",
"hdr": "vrt"
"dstpath": {
"volume": "GeoImg2021",
"hdr": "vrt"
"srcraw": [
"copdem90": {
"datadir": "ancillary/ESA/region/dem/global/0",
"datafile": "dem90_copdem_global_0_v01-aws",
"datalayer": "DEM",
"title": "Copernicus DEM global 90 m",
"label": "Copernicus DEM global 90 m"
"dstcomp": [
"copdem90": {
"source": "ESA",
"product": "copdem",
"content": "dem",
"layerid": "copdem",
"prefix": "dem",
"suffix": "v01-aws-90m",
"scalefac": 1,
"offsetadd": 0,
"dataunit": "masl",
"celltype": "Float32",
"cellnull": -32767,
"measure": "R",
"masked": "N"