
Thomas Gumbricht bio photo By Thomas Gumbricht

ancillary import mgrs (setup_processes)

Import NGA projections (UTM and MGRS)

The json command file ancillary-import-mgrs_v090.json is part of karttur’s GeoImagine project setup_processes. Calling the json file will execute the following commands of the GeoImagine Framework.

  "userproject": {
    "userid": "karttur",
    "projectid": "karttur",
    "tractid": "karttur",
    "siteid": "*",
    "plotid": "*",
    "system": "ancillary"
  "period": {
    "timestep": "static"
  "process": [
      "processid": "OrganizeAncillary",
      "overwrite": false,
      "parameters": {
        "importcode": "shp",
        "epsg": "4326",
        "orgid": "NGA",
        "dsname": "mgrs",
        "dsversion": "1.0",
        "accessdate": "20180831",
        "copyright": "",
        "regionid": "globe",
        "regioncat": "globe",
        "dataurl": "",
        "metaurl": "",
        "title": "mgrs global tiles",
        "label": "mgrs global tiles"
      "srcpath": {
        "volume": ".",
        "hdr": "shp",
        "dat": "shp"
      "dstpath": {
        "volume": "geoinfo2021",
        "hdr": "shp",
        "dat": "shp"
      "srcraw": [
          "utm-zones": {
            "datadir": "data/NGA/UTM_Zone_Boundaries",
            "datafile": "UTM_Zone_Boundaries",
            "datalayer": "UTM_Zone_Boundaries",
            "title": "UTM zone boundaries",
            "label": "UTM zone boundaries"
          "gdz-zones": {
            "datadir": "data/NGA/MGRS_GZD_WorldWide",
            "datafile": "MGRS_GZD_WorldWide",
            "datalayer": "MGRS_GZD_WorldWide",
            "title": "MGRS Grid Zone Designator",
            "label": "MGRS Grid Zone Designator"
          "mgrs-100km-land": {
            "datadir": "data/NGA/NGA_mgrs_100km_polys",
            "datafile": "NGA_mgrs_100km_polys",
            "datalayer": "NGA_mgrs_100km_polys",
            "title": "MGRS 100km square for land",
            "label": "MGRS 100km square for land"
          "mgrs-100km": {
            "datadir": "data/NGA/mgrs_100km_polys",
            "datafile": "mgrs_100km_polys",
            "theme": "support",
            "subtheme": "tiles",
            "metadir": "",
            "metadfile": "",
            "title": "MGRS 100km square (global)",
            "label": "MGRS 100km square (global)"
      "dstcomp": [
          "utm-zones": {
            "source": "nga",
            "product": "projection",
            "content": "utm",
            "layerid": "utm-zones",
            "prefix": "utm-zones",
            "suffix": "0",
            "dataunit": "boundary",
            "celltype": "vector",
            "cellnull": "0",
            "measure": "N",
            "masked": "N"
          "gdz-zones": {
            "source": "nga",
            "product": "mgrs",
            "content": "mgrs",
            "layerid": "gdz-zones",
            "prefix": "gdz-zones",
            "suffix": "v1",
            "dataunit": "boundary",
            "celltype": "vector",
            "cellnull": "0",
            "measure": "N",
            "masked": "N"
          "mgrs-100km-land": {
            "source": "nga",
            "product": "mgrs",
            "content": "mgrs",
            "layerid": "mgrs-100km-land",
            "prefix": "mgrs-100km-land",
            "suffix": "v1",
            "dataunit": "boundary",
            "celltype": "vector",
            "cellnull": "0",
            "measure": "N",
            "masked": "N"
          "mgrs-100km": {
            "source": "nga",
            "product": "mgrs",
            "content": "mgrs",
            "layerid": "mgrs-100km",
            "prefix": "mgrs-100km",
            "suffix": "v1",
            "dataunit": "boundary",
            "celltype": "vector",
            "cellnull": "0",
            "measure": "N",
            "masked": "N"