json/add arctic ease2n regions (setup_processes)
Add global arctic regions in EASE-grid 6931 to the db
The json command file add_arctic_ease2n_regions_v090.json is part of karttur’s GeoImagine project setup_processes. Calling the json file will execute the following commands of the GeoImagine Framework.
"userproject": {
"userid": "karttur",
"projectid": "karttur",
"tractid": "karttur",
"siteid": "*",
"plotid": "*",
"system": "ease2n"
"period": {
"timestep": "static"
"process": [
"processid": "DefaultRegionFromCoords",
"overwrite": false,
"parameters": {
"regioncat": "global",
"regionid": "ease2n",
"regionname": "system default region",
"parentid": "global",
"parentcat": "global",
"epsg": 6931,
"stratum": "1",
"minx": -9000000,
"miny": -9000000,
"maxx": 9000000,
"maxy": 9000000,
"version": "1.0",
"title": "system default region EASE-grid 6931",
"label": "system default region for Northern circumpolar EASE-grid 6931."
"dstpath": {
"volume": "DEMDATA"
"processid": "DefaultRegionFromCoords",
"overwrite": false,
"parameters": {
"regioncat": "global",
"regionid": "northlandease2n",
"regionname": "Northern circumpolar landmass EASE-grid 6931",
"parentid": "global",
"parentcat": "global",
"epsg": 6931,
"stratum": "1",
"minx": -5400000,
"miny": -5400000,
"maxx": 5400000,
"maxy": 4500000,
"version": "1.0",
"title": "Northern circumpolar landmass EASE-grid 6931",
"label": "Tile fitted region for Northern circumpolar landmass EASE-grid 6931."
"dstpath": {
"volume": "DEMDATA"
"processid": "DefaultRegionFromCoords",
"overwrite": false,
"parameters": {
"regioncat": "global",
"regionid": "arcticdemease2n",
"regionname": "Arctic circumpolar DEM EASE-grid 6931",
"parentid": "globe",
"parentcat": "globe",
"epsg": 6931,
"stratum": "1",
"minx": -3500000,
"miny": -3500000,
"maxx": 3500000,
"maxy": 4400000,
"version": "1.0",
"title": "Global arctic DEM in EASE-grid 6931",
"label": "Region covering 60 to 90 degrees north, coinciding with the core region of the Arctic DEM."
"dstpath": {
"volume": "DEMDATA"
"processid": "DefaultRegionFromCoords",
"overwrite": false,
"parameters": {
"regioncat": "global",
"regionid": "nhemispherease2n",
"regionname": "Northern hemisphere EASE-grid 6931",
"parentid": "globe",
"parentcat": "globe",
"epsg": 6931,
"stratum": "1",
"minx": -9000000,
"miny": -9000000,
"maxx": 9000000,
"maxy": 9000000,
"version": "1.0",
"title": "Northern hemisphere EASE-grid 6931",
"label": "Northern hemisphere EASE-grid 6931."
"dstpath": {
"volume": "DEMDATA"
"processid": "DefaultRegionFromCoords",
"overwrite": false,
"parameters": {
"regioncat": "global",
"regionid": "panarcticease2n",
"regionname": "Pan Arctic EASE-grid 6931",
"parentid": "globe",
"parentcat": "globe",
"epsg": 6931,
"stratum": "1",
"minx": -4500000,
"miny": -4500000,
"maxx": 4500000,
"maxy": 4500000,
"version": "1.0",
"title": "Pan Arctic EASE-grid 6931",
"label": "Pan Arctic EASE-grid 6931."
"dstpath": {
"volume": "DEMDATA"