json/regions DefaultRegionFromCoords (setup_processes)
Install sub process DefaultRegionFromLonLat
The json command file regions-DefaultRegionFromCoords_v090.json is part of karttur’s GeoImagine project setup_processes. Calling the json file will execute the following commands of the GeoImagine Framework.
"process": [
"processid": "addsubproc",
"overwrite": false,
"parameters": {
"rootprocid": "ManageRegion",
"subprocid": "DefaultRegionFromCoords",
"version": "0.9.0",
"minuserstratum": 10,
"title": "Define default region for public use from corner coordinates",
"label": "Only superuser can set default regions, send request it you really need a new default region category"
"system": [
"system": "system",
"srcsystem": "NA",
"dstsystem": "system",
"srcdivision": "NA",
"dstdivision": "region",
"srcepsg": 0,
"dstepsg": 4326
"system": "modis",
"srcsystem": "NA",
"dstsystem": "system",
"srcdivision": "NA",
"dstdivision": "region",
"srcepsg": 0,
"dstepsg": 6842
"system": "ease2t",
"srcsystem": "NA",
"dstsystem": "system",
"srcdivision": "NA",
"dstdivision": "region",
"srcepsg": 0,
"dstepsg": 6933
"system": "ease2n",
"srcsystem": "NA",
"dstsystem": "system",
"srcdivision": "NA",
"dstdivision": "region",
"srcepsg": 0,
"dstepsg": 6931
"system": "ease2s",
"srcsystem": "NA",
"dstsystem": "system",
"srcdivision": "NA",
"dstdivision": "region",
"srcepsg": 0,
"dstepsg": 6932
"nodes": [
"parent": "process",
"element": "parameters",
"parameter": [
"paramid": "regionid",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": true,
"defaultvalue": "",
"hint": "Set an id for the default region"
"paramid": "regionname",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": true,
"defaultvalue": "",
"hint": "Default region name (must be unique)"
"paramid": "regioncat",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": true,
"defaultvalue": "",
"hint": "Default region category",
"setvalue": [
"value": "global",
"label": "global region"
"value": "continental",
"label": "continental region"
"value": "subcontinental",
"label": "subcontinental region"
"value": "basin",
"label": "Hydrological river basin region"
"value": "sovereign",
"label": "Soverign country region"
"value": "country",
"label": "Country national region"
"value": "state",
"label": "statel level region"
"value": "district",
"label": "district region"
"value": "community",
"label": "community region"
"value": "tract",
"label": "tract (user defined) region"
"value": "site",
"label": "site (user defined) region"
"paramid": "parentid",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": true,
"defaultvalue": "",
"hint": "Default region parent regionid"
"paramid": "parentcat",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": true,
"defaultvalue": "",
"hint": "Default region parent region category"
"paramid": "stratum",
"paramtyp": "integer",
"required": true,
"defaultvalue": 0,
"hint": "Stratum for region access",
"minmax": {
"min": 0,
"max": 12
"paramid": "minx",
"paramtyp": "float",
"required": true,
"defaultvalue": 0,
"hint": "x-coord or longitude minimum",
"minmax": {
"min": -90,
"max": 90
"paramid": "maxx",
"paramtyp": "float",
"required": true,
"defaultvalue": 0,
"hint": "x-coord or longitude maximum",
"minmax": {
"min": -90,
"max": 90
"paramid": "miny",
"paramtyp": "float",
"required": true,
"defaultvalue": 0,
"hint": "y-coord or latitude minimum",
"minmax": {
"min": -180,
"max": 180
"paramid": "maxy",
"paramtyp": "float",
"required": true,
"defaultvalue": 0,
"hint": "y-coord or latitude maximum",
"minmax": {
"min": -180,
"max": 180
"paramid": "epsg",
"paramtyp": "integer",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "4326",
"hint": "EPSG code for region"
"paramid": "version",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "1.0",
"hint": "Region version"
"paramid": "title",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "Title",
"hint": "Region title"
"paramid": "label",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "Label",
"hint": "Region label"
"parent": "process",
"element": "dstpath",
"parameter": [
"paramid": "volume",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": true,
"defaultvalue": "",
"hint": "Volume, disk or path for saving the destination data"
"paramid": "hdr",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "shp",
"hint": "Header or header+data file extension (default = shp)"
"paramid": "dat",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "",
"hint": "Data file extension for datasets with separate header + data file"
"parent": "process",
"element": "dstcomp",
"parameter": [
"paramid": "*",
"paramtyp": "element",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "*",
"hint": "1:1 link for destination composition"
"parent": "dstcomp",
"element": "*",
"parameter": [
"paramid": "source",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "karttur",
"hint": "Dataset source (e.g. sensor, method, model, etc (hyphen allowed, underscore not allowd)"
"paramid": "product",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "pubroi",
"hint": "Dataset type, product, producer etc (hyphen allowed, underscore not allowd)"
"paramid": "content",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "roi",
"hint": "Dataset content (hyphen allowed, underscore not allowd)"
"paramid": "layerid",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "defreg",
"hint": "Dataset layer or band id"
"paramid": "prefix",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "defreg",
"hint": "File name prefix"
"paramid": "suffix",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "v010",
"hint": "Additional identifier, e.g. version or model etc (hyphen allowed, underscore not allowed)"
"paramid": "measure",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "N",
"hint": "Nominal (boundary)"
"paramid": "masked",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "N",
"hint": "not applicable"
"paramid": "cellnull",
"paramtyp": "integer",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "0",
"hint": "not applicable"
"paramid": "celltype",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "vector",
"hint": "vector"
"paramid": "scalefac",
"paramtyp": "real",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "1",
"hint": "Scale factor for raster data (default = 1.0, no scaling)"
"paramid": "offsetadd",
"paramtyp": "integer",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "0",
"hint": "Offset add default = 0, no adding"
"paramid": "dataunit",
"paramtyp": "text",
"required": false,
"defaultvalue": "boundary",
"hint": "Data unit for raster cell data"