jsonsql/SMAP template v091 sql.json (setup_db)
Add the SMAP product templates
The json command file SMAP_template_v091_sql.json is part of karttur’s GeoImagine project setup_db. Calling the json file will execute the following commands of the GeoImagine Framework.
"process": [
"processid": "createtable",
"overwrite": false,
"delete": false,
"parameters": {
"db": "karttur",
"schema": "smap",
"table": "template",
"command": [
"daacid varchar(16)",
"version varchar(4)",
"source varchar(32)",
"product varchar(24)",
"content varchar(32)",
"layerid varchar(64)",
"prefix varchar(32)",
"suffix varchar(32)",
"fileext varchar(8)",
"region varchar (32)",
"celltype varchar(8)",
"dataunit varchar(32)",
"compid varchar(128)",
"hdffolder varchar(255)",
"hdfgrid varchar(255)",
"band smallint DEFAULT 1",
"scalefac real",
"offsetadd real",
"cellnull bigint",
"measure char(1)",
"masked char(1) DEFAULT 'N'",
"timestep varchar(16)",
"retrieve character(1)",
"title varchar(128)",
"label varchar(255)",
"system varchar(16)",
"epsg bigint",
"ullat double precision",
"ullon double precision",
"lrlat double precision",
"lrlon double precision",
"ulx double precision",
"uly double precision",
"lrx double precision",
"lry double precision",
"PRIMARY KEY (daacid,version,layerid)"
"processid": "tableinsert",
"overwrite": false,
"parameters": {
"db": "karttur",
"schema": "smap",
"table": "template",
"command": {
"columns": [
"values": [
"'EASE column index'",
"'The column index of the 36 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'EASE column index'",
"'The column index of the 36 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'EASE row index'",
"'The row index of the 36 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'EASE row index'",
"'The row index of the 36 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'FT SCV threshold'",
"'Threshold for the SCV algorithm based on reference V-pol TB to differentiate between freeze and thaw conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'FT SCV threshold'",
"'Threshold for the SCV algorithm based on reference V-pol TB to differentiate between freeze and thaw conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'altitude dem'",
"'The Earth surface elevation within the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'altitude dem'",
"'The Earth surface elevation within the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'altitude std dev'",
"'The standard deviation of the Earth surface elevation within the grid cell. This element provides a surface roughness measure. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'altitude std dev'",
"'The standard deviation of the Earth surface elevation within the grid cell. This element provides a surface roughness measure. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'data sampling density'",
"'Total number of radiometer data samples in the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'data sampling density'",
"'Total number of radiometer data samples in the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'freeze reference'",
"'Reference normalized polarization ratio value used as a basis to indicate frozen conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'freeze reference'",
"'Reference normalized polarization ratio value used as a basis to indicate frozen conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'freeze thaw'",
"'Time of the freeze-thaw determination for this particular element in seconds from the standard epoch. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'freeze thaw'",
"'Time of the freeze-thaw determination for this particular element in seconds from the standard epoch. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'freeze thaw time seconds'",
"'Time of the freeze-thaw determination for this particular element in seconds from the standard epoch. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'freeze thaw time seconds'",
"'Time of the freeze-thaw determination for this particular element in seconds from the standard epoch. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'landcover class'",
"'An enumerated type that specifies the predominant surface vegetation found in the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'landcover class'",
"'An enumerated type that specifies the predominant surface vegetation found in the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'Latitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'Latitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'Longitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'Longitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'normalized polarization ratio'",
"'Normalized Tb polarization ratio at the Earth based grid cell defined as (TBH-TBV)/(TBH+TBV). The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'normalized polarization ratio'",
"'Normalized Tb polarization ratio at the Earth based grid cell defined as (TBH-TBV)/(TBH+TBV). The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'open water body fraction'",
"'Fraction of the area of the grid cell surface covered by open water. Open water areas do not have vegetation at or on the water surface. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'open water body fraction'",
"'Fraction of the area of the grid cell surface covered by open water. Open water areas do not have vegetation at or on the water surface. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'reference image threshold'",
"'Threshold based on reference freeze and thaw to differentiate between freeze and thaw conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'reference image threshold'",
"'Threshold based on reference freeze and thaw to differentiate between freeze and thaw conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'retrieval algorithm flag'",
"'Boolean that indicates whether the NPR change detection algorithm or the single-channel V-pol threshold algorithm was used to retrieve freeze-thaw state. A value of 0 indicates the NPR algorithm a value of 1 indicates the SCV algorithm. The AM (dimension'",
"'retrieval algorithm flag'",
"'Boolean that indicates whether the NPR change detection algorithm or the single-channel V-pol threshold algorithm was used to retrieve freeze-thaw state. A value of 0 indicates the NPR algorithm a value of 1 indicates the SCV algorithm. The AM (dimension'",
"'retrieval qual flag'",
"'Sequence of bit flags that indicate the conditions and the quality of the freeze-thaw retrieval. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'retrieval qual flag'",
"'Sequence of bit flags that indicate the conditions and the quality of the freeze-thaw retrieval. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'surface flag'",
"'Bit flags that record ambient surface conditions for the grid cell'",
"'surface flag'",
"'Bit flags that record ambient surface conditions for the grid cell'",
"'tbh error'",
"'Overall error measure for H-pol brightness temperature within the grid cell includes calibration RFI and contamination effects. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbh error'",
"'Overall error measure for H-pol brightness temperature within the grid cell includes calibration RFI and contamination effects. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbh mean'",
"'Mean of H-pol brightness temperature in the 36 km Earth grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbh mean'",
"'Mean of H-pol brightness temperature in the 36 km Earth grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbh qual flag'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the horizontal polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'tbh qual flag'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the horizontal polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'tbv error'",
"'Overall error measure for V-pol brightness temperature within the grid cell includes calibration RFI and contamination effects. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbv error'",
"'Overall error measure for V-pol brightness temperature within the grid cell includes calibration RFI and contamination effects. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbv mean'",
"'Mean of V-pol brightness temperature in the 36 km Earth grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbv mean'",
"'Mean of V-pol brightness temperature in the 36 km Earth grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbv qual flag'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the vertical polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'tbv qual flag'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the vertical polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'thaw reference'",
"'Reference normalized polarization ratio value used as a basis to indicate thawed conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'thaw reference'",
"'Reference normalized polarization ratio value used as a basis to indicate thawed conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'transition direction'",
"'Boolean that indicates transitional direction. 0 indicates AM frozen PM thawed 1 indicates AM thawed PM frozen. Value is always zero if not in transition state.'",
"'transition direction'",
"'Boolean that indicates transitional direction. 0 indicates AM frozen PM thawed 1 indicates AM thawed PM frozen. Value is always zero if not in transition state.'",
"'transition state flag'",
"'Boolean that indicates whether soil is in transitional state from AM to PM on the same day. 0 indicates state is not in transition 1 indicates state is in transition.'",
"'transition state flag'",
"'Boolean that indicates whether soil is in transitional state from AM to PM on the same day. 0 indicates state is not in transition 1 indicates state is in transition.'",
"processid": "tableinsert",
"overwrite": false,
"parameters": {
"db": "karttur",
"schema": "smap",
"table": "template",
"command": {
"columns": [
"values": [
"'EASE column index'",
"'The column index of the 9 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'EASE column index'",
"'The column index of the 9 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'EASE row index'",
"'The row index of the 9 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'EASE row index'",
"'The row index of the 9 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'FT SCV threshold'",
"'Threshold for the SCV algorithm based on reference V-pol TB to differentiate between freeze and thaw conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'FT SCV threshold'",
"'Threshold for the SCV algorithm based on reference V-pol TB to differentiate between freeze and thaw conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'altitude dem'",
"'The Earth surface elevation within the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'altitude dem'",
"'The Earth surface elevation within the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'altitude std dev'",
"'The standard deviation of the Earth surface elevation within the grid cell. This element provides a surface roughness measure. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'altitude std dev'",
"'The standard deviation of the Earth surface elevation within the grid cell. This element provides a surface roughness measure. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'data sampling density'",
"'Total number of radiometer data samples in the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'data sampling density'",
"'Total number of radiometer data samples in the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'freeze reference'",
"'Reference normalized polarization ratio value used as a basis to indicate frozen conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'freeze reference'",
"'Reference normalized polarization ratio value used as a basis to indicate frozen conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'freeze thaw'",
"'Time of the freeze-thaw determination for this particular element in seconds from the standard epoch. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'freeze thaw'",
"'Time of the freeze-thaw determination for this particular element in seconds from the standard epoch. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'freeze thaw time seconds'",
"'Time of the freeze-thaw determination for this particular element in seconds from the standard epoch. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'freeze thaw time seconds'",
"'Time of the freeze-thaw determination for this particular element in seconds from the standard epoch. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'landcover class'",
"'An enumerated type that specifies the predominant surface vegetation found in the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'landcover class'",
"'An enumerated type that specifies the predominant surface vegetation found in the grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'Latitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'Latitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'Longitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'Longitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'normalized polarization ratio'",
"'Normalized Tb polarization ratio at the Earth based grid cell defined as (TBH-TBV)/(TBH+TBV). The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'normalized polarization ratio'",
"'Normalized Tb polarization ratio at the Earth based grid cell defined as (TBH-TBV)/(TBH+TBV). The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'open water body fraction'",
"'Fraction of the area of the grid cell surface covered by open water. Open water areas do not have vegetation at or on the water surface. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'open water body fraction'",
"'Fraction of the area of the grid cell surface covered by open water. Open water areas do not have vegetation at or on the water surface. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'reference image threshold'",
"'Threshold based on reference freeze and thaw to differentiate between freeze and thaw conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'reference image threshold'",
"'Threshold based on reference freeze and thaw to differentiate between freeze and thaw conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'retrieval algorithm flag'",
"'Boolean that indicates whether the NPR change detection algorithm or the single-channel V-pol threshold algorithm was used to retrieve freeze-thaw state. A value of 0 indicates the NPR algorithm a value of 1 indicates the SCV algorithm. The AM (dimension'",
"'retrieval algorithm flag'",
"'Boolean that indicates whether the NPR change detection algorithm or the single-channel V-pol threshold algorithm was used to retrieve freeze-thaw state. A value of 0 indicates the NPR algorithm a value of 1 indicates the SCV algorithm. The AM (dimension'",
"'retrieval qual flag'",
"'Sequence of bit flags that indicate the conditions and the quality of the freeze-thaw retrieval. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'retrieval qual flag'",
"'Sequence of bit flags that indicate the conditions and the quality of the freeze-thaw retrieval. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'surface flag'",
"'Bit flags that record ambient surface conditions for the grid cell'",
"'surface flag'",
"'Bit flags that record ambient surface conditions for the grid cell'",
"'tbh error'",
"'Overall error measure for H-pol brightness temperature within the grid cell includes calibration RFI and contamination effects. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbh error'",
"'Overall error measure for H-pol brightness temperature within the grid cell includes calibration RFI and contamination effects. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbh mean'",
"'Mean of H-pol brightness temperature in the 9 km Earth grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbh mean'",
"'Mean of H-pol brightness temperature in the 9 km Earth grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbh qual flag'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the horizontal polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'tbh qual flag'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the horizontal polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'tbv error'",
"'Overall error measure for V-pol brightness temperature within the grid cell includes calibration RFI and contamination effects. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbv error'",
"'Overall error measure for V-pol brightness temperature within the grid cell includes calibration RFI and contamination effects. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbv mean'",
"'Mean of V-pol brightness temperature in the 9 km Earth grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbv mean'",
"'Mean of V-pol brightness temperature in the 9 km Earth grid cell. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'tbv qual flag'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the vertical polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'tbv qual flag'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the vertical polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'thaw reference'",
"'Reference normalized polarization ratio value used as a basis to indicate thawed conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'thaw reference'",
"'Reference normalized polarization ratio value used as a basis to indicate thawed conditions. The AM (dimension AMPM'",
"'transition direction'",
"'Boolean that indicates transitional direction. 0 indicates AM frozen PM thawed 1 indicates AM thawed PM frozen. Value is always zero if not in transition state.'",
"'transition direction'",
"'Boolean that indicates transitional direction. 0 indicates AM frozen PM thawed 1 indicates AM thawed PM frozen. Value is always zero if not in transition state.'",
"'transition state flag'",
"'Boolean that indicates whether soil is in transitional state from AM to PM on the same day. 0 indicates state is not in transition 1 indicates state is in transition.'",
"'transition state flag'",
"'Boolean that indicates whether soil is in transitional state from AM to PM on the same day. 0 indicates state is not in transition 1 indicates state is in transition.'",
"processid": "tableinsert",
"overwrite": false,
"parameters": {
"db": "karttur",
"schema": "smap",
"table": "template",
"command": {
"columns": [
"values": [
"'bare soil roughness tabular'",
"'Measure of soil roughness from tabular source.'",
"'faraday rotation angle'",
"'Faraday rotation angle'",
"'landcover class'",
"'An enumerated type that specifies the predominant surface vegetation found in the grid cell.'",
"'normalized difference vegetation index'",
"'Normalized difference vegetation index. A measure of the green character of vegetation. (IR-Red)/(IR+Red)'",
"'static water body fraction'",
"'The fraction of the area of the 3 km grid cell that is covered by static water based on a Digital Elevation Map.'",
"'surface temperature'",
"'Temperature at land surface based on ECMWF or NCEP.'",
"'degrees Celsius'",
"'vegetation water content NDVI'",
"'Representative measure of water in the vegetation within the 3 km grid cell based on the normalized difference vegetation index.'",
"'vegetation water content RVI'",
"'Representative measure of water in the vegetation within the 3 km grid cell based on the radar vegetation index.'",
"'altitude std dev'",
"'The standard deviation of the Earth surface elevation within the 3km cell'",
"'cell radar mode flag'",
"'Bit flags that specify modes or conditions of radar instrument operation that impact the data represented in the Level 2 SM A Product.'",
"'earth boresight azimuth aft'",
"'Aft-looking azimuth of the antenna boresight vector on the Earths surface relative to North within 3 km cell. - Level 1C azimuth is based on instrument coordinate system not geographical North'",
"'earth boresight azimuth fore'",
"'Fore-looking azimuth of the antenna boresight vector on the Earths surface relative to North within 3 km cell. - Level 1C azimuth is based on instrument coordinate system not geographical North'",
"'kp hh'",
"'Overall error measure for HH-pol Sigma0 within the 3 km cell based on Level 1C kp values includes calibration RFI and contamination effects.'",
"'kp hh aft'",
"'Overall error measure for aft looking HH-pol Sigma0 within the 3 km cell based on Level 1C kp values includes calibration RFI and contamination effects.'",
"'kp hh fore'",
"'Overall error measure for forward looking HH-pol Sigma0 within the 3 km cell based on Level 1C kp values includes calibration RFI and contamination effects.'",
"'kp vv'",
"'Overall error measure for HH-pol Sigma0 within the 3 km cell based on Level 1C kp values includes calibration RFI and contamination effects.'",
"'kp vv aft'",
"'Overall error measure for aft looking VV-pol Sigma0 within the 3 km cell based on Level 1C kp values includes calibration RFI and contamination effects.'",
"'kp vv fore'",
"'Overall error measure for forward looking VV-pol Sigma0 within the 3 km cell based on Level 1C kp values includes calibration RFI and contamination effects.'",
"'kp xpol'",
"'Overall error measure for HH-pol Sigma0 within the 3 km cell based on Level 1C kp values includes calibration RFI and contamination effects.'",
"'kp xpol aft'",
"'Overall error measure for aft looking cross-pol Sigma0 within the 3 km cell based on Level 1C kp values includes calibration RFI and contamination effects.'",
"'kp xpol fore'",
"'Overall error measure for forward looking cross-pol Sigma0 within the 3 km cell based on Level 1C kp values includes calibration RFI and contamination effects.'",
"'sigma0 hh mean'",
"'Mean of 1 km instrument resolution HH-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 hh mean aft'",
"'Mean of aft looking 1 km instrument resolution HH-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 hh mean fore'",
"'Mean of forward looking 1 km instrument resolution HH-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 hh std dev'",
"'Standard deviation of 1 km instrument resolution HH-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 hh std dev aft'",
"'Standard deviation of aft looking 1 km instrument resolution HH-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 hh std dev fore'",
"'Standard deviation of forward looking 1 km instrument resolution HH-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 vv mean'",
"'Mean of 1 km instrument resolution VV-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 vv mean aft'",
"'Mean of aft looking 1 km instrument resolution VV-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 vv mean fore'",
"'Mean of forward looking 1 km instrument resolution VV-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 vv std dev'",
"'Standard deviation of 1 km instrument resolution VV-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 vv std dev aft'",
"'Standard deviation of aft looking 1 km instrument resolution VV-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 vv std dev fore'",
"'Standard deviation of forward looking 1 km instrument resolution VV-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 xpol mean'",
"'Mean of 1 km instrument resolution cross-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 xpol mean aft'",
"'Mean of aft looking 1 km instrument resolution cross-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 xpol mean fore'",
"'Mean of forward looking 1 km instrument resolution cross-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 xpol std dev'",
"'Standard deviation of 1 km instrument resolution cross-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 xpol std dev aft'",
"'Standard deviation of aft looking 1 km instrument resolution cross-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 xpol std dev fore'",
"'Standard deviation of forward looking 1 km instrument resolution cross-pol Sigma0 in the 3 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'EASE column index'",
"'The column index of the 3 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data.'",
"'EASE row index'",
"'The row index of the 3 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data.'",
"'bare soil roughness retrieved'",
"'Bare soil roughness measure retrieved using the active soil moisture algorithm.'",
"'distance from nadir'",
"'The distance from the center of the 3 km EASE grid cell to the spacecrafts sub-nadir track on the Earths surface.'",
"'Average in latitude of the 1km cells that contribute to 3km EASE grid cell. (temporary).'",
"'Average in longitude of the 1km cells that contribute to 3km EASE grid cell. (temporary).'",
"'num input sigma0s hh'",
"'Total number of horizontal polarization sigma0s from the Level 1C product that were used for retrievals in an EASE grid cell.'",
"'num input sigma0s vv'",
"'Total number of vertical polarization sigma0s from the Level 1C product that were used for retrievals in an EASE grid cell.'",
"'num input sigma0s xpol'",
"'Total number of cross polarized sigma0s from the Level 1C product that were used for retrievals in an EASE grid cell.'",
"'num time series'",
"'The number of time-series data used to retrieve soil moisture in the corresponding grid cell.'",
"'radar vegetation index'",
"'Vegetation index derived from radar backscatter'",
"'radar water flag3'",
"'Radar waterbody flag at 3km'",
"'retrieval qual flag'",
"'Bit flags that record the conditions and the quality of the soil moisture and the freeze-thaw retrieval for the grid cell.'",
"'retrieval qual flag change index'",
"'Bit flags that record the conditions and the quality of the soil moisture and the freeze-thaw retrieval for the grid cell.'",
"'retrieval qual flag kvz'",
"'Bit flags that record the conditions and the quality of the soil moisture and the freeze-thaw retrieval for the grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 qual flag hh'",
"'Representative quality flags of horizontal polarization sigma0 measures in the grid cell'",
"'sigma0 qual flag vv'",
"'Representative quality flags of vertical polarization sigma0 measures in the grid cell'",
"'sigma0 qual flag xpol'",
"'Representative quality flags of cross polarization sigma0 measures in the grid cell'",
"'soil moisture'",
"'Retrieved soil moisture for the Earth based grid cell retrieved using the Shi snapshot algiorithm'",
"'soil moisture change index'",
"'Retrieved normalized change in soil moisture.'",
"'soil moisture error'",
"'Net uncertainty measure of soil moisture measure for the Earth based grid cell. - Calculation method is TBD. May be replaced by other quality indicators.'",
"'soil moisture kvz'",
"'Representative soil moisture measurement for the Earth based grid cell retrieved using the Kim/van Zyl time series algorithm'",
"'soil moisture snapshot'",
"'Retrieved soil moisture for the Earth based grid cell retrieved using the Shi snapshot algiorithm'",
"'soil moisture snapshot DVZ'",
"'Representative soil moisture measurement for the Earth based grid cell retrieved using the Dubois/van Zyl snapshot algorithm'",
"'soil moisture snapshot shi'",
"'Retrieved soil moisture for the Earth based grid cell retrieved using the Shi snapshot algiorithm'",
"'spacecraft overpass time seconds'",
"'Number of seconds since midnight on 1/1/93 that represents the spacecraft overpass relative to ground swath.'",
"'surface flag'",
"'Bit flags that record ambient surface conditions for the grid cell'",
"processid": "tableinsert",
"overwrite": false,
"parameters": {
"db": "karttur",
"schema": "smap",
"table": "template",
"command": {
"columns": [
"values": [
"'EASE column index'",
"'The column index of the 9 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data.'",
"'EASE row index'",
"'The row index of the 9 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data.'",
"'Diffuse reflecting power of the Earths surface within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'alpha tbh hh'",
"'Alpha parameter used in the Active/Passive retrieval algorithm for the corresponding EASE grid cell derived using time series of Tbh and sigma0_hh.'",
"'alpha tbv vv'",
"'Alpha parameter used in the Active/Passive retrieval algorithm for the corresponding EASE grid cell derived using time series of Tbv and sigma0_vv'",
"'bare soil roughness retrieved'",
"'Retrieved soil roughness provided by the active soil moisture algorithm.'",
"'beta tbh hh'",
"'Beta parameter used in the Active/Passive retrieval algorithm for the corresponding EASE grid cell derived using time series Tbh and sigma0_hh.'",
"'beta tbv vv'",
"'Beta parameter used in the Active/Passive retrieval algorithm for the corresponding EASE grid cell derived using time series Tbv and sigma0_vv'",
"'distance from nadir'",
"'The distance from the center of the 9 km EASE grid cell to the spacecrafts sub-nadir track on the Earths surface.'",
"'freeze thaw fraction'",
"'Fraction of the 9 km grid cell that is denoted as frozen. Based on binary flag that specifies freeze thaw conditions in each of the component 3 km grid cells.'",
"'gamma hh xpol'",
"'Gamma parameter used in the Active/Passive retrieval algorithm for the corresponding EASE grid cell derived using high resolution sigma0_hh and sigma0_xpol.'",
"'gamma vv xpol'",
"'Gamma parameter used in the Active/Passive retrieval algorithm for the corresponding EASE grid cell derived using high resolution sigma0_vv and sigma0_xpol'",
"'landcover class'",
"'An enumerated type that specifies the predominant surface vegetation found in the grid cell.'",
"'Latitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell.'",
"'Longitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell.'",
"'radar vegetation index'",
"'Vegetation index derived from radar backscatter'",
"'retrieval qual flag'",
"'Bit flags that record the conditions and the quality of the retrieval algorithms that generate soil moisture for the grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 hh aggregated'",
"'The outcome of aggretating a set of 3 km horizontal polarization radar backscatter measurements into a 9 km EASE grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 vv aggregated'",
"'The outcome of aggretating a set of 3 km vertical polarization radar backscatter measurements into a 9 km EASE grid cell.'",
"'sigma0 xpol aggregated'",
"'The outcome of aggretating a set of 3 km cross-polarized radar backscatter measurements into a 9 km EASE grid cell.'",
"'soil moisture'",
"'Standard deviation of soil moisture measure for the 9km Earth based grid cell.'",
"'soil moisture std dev'",
"'Standard deviation of soil moisture measure for the 9km Earth based grid cell.'",
"'spacecraft overpass time seconds'",
"'Number of seconds since a specified epoch that represents the spacecraft overpass relative to the 36 km EASE grid cell that contains each 9 km EASE grid cell represented in this data product.'",
"'surface flag'",
"'Bit flags that record ambient surface conditions for the grid cell'",
"'surface temperature'",
"'Temperature at land surface based on GEOS5 GMAO.'",
"'tb h disaggregated'",
"'Standard deviation of the horizontal polarization brightness temperature adjusted for the presence of water bodies and disaggregated from the 36 km EASE grid cells into 9 km EASE grid cells.'",
"'tb h disaggregated qual flag'",
"'Bit flags that record the conditions and the quality of the disaggregated horizontal polarization brightness temperature generated for the grid cell.'",
"'tb h disaggregated std'",
"'Standard deviation of the horizontal polarization brightness temperature adjusted for the presence of water bodies and disaggregated from the 36 km EASE grid cells into 9 km EASE grid cells.'",
"'tb v disaggregated'",
"'Standard deviation of the vertical polarization brightness temperature adjusted for the presence of water bodies and disaggregated from the 36 km EASE grid cells into 9 km EASE grid cells.'",
"'tb v disaggregated qual flag'",
"'Bit flags that record the conditions and the quality of the disaggregated vertical polarization brightness temperature generated for the grid cell.'",
"'tb v disaggregated std'",
"'Standard deviation of the vertical polarization brightness temperature adjusted for the presence of water bodies and disaggregated from the 36 km EASE grid cells into 9 km EASE grid cells.'",
"'vegetation opacity'",
"'The measured opacity of the vegetation in the grid cell.'",
"'vegetation water content'",
"'Representative measure of water in the vegetation within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'water body fraction'",
"'Fraction of the area of 9 km grid cell that is a permanent or transient water body. Derived from the DEM and radar processing.'",
"processid": "tableinsert",
"overwrite": false,
"parameters": {
"db": "karttur",
"schema": "smap",
"table": "template",
"command": {
"columns": [
"values": [
"'EASE column index'",
"'EASE column index'",
"'EASE row index'",
"'EASE row index'",
"'albedo dca'",
"'albedo dca'",
"'albedo scah'",
"'albedo scah'",
"'albedo scav'",
"'albedo scav'",
"'boresight incidence'",
"'boresight incidence'",
"'bulk density'",
"'bulk density'",
"'clay fraction'",
"'clay fraction'",
"'freeze thaw fraction'",
"'freeze thaw fraction'",
"'grid surface status'",
"'grid surface status'",
"'landcover class'",
"'landcover class'",
"'landcover class fraction'",
"'landcover class fraction'",
"'latitude centroid'",
"'latitude centroid'",
"'longitude centroid'",
"'longitude centroid'",
"'radar water body fraction'",
"'radar water body fraction'",
"'retrieval qual flag'",
"'retrieval qual flag'",
"'retrieval qual flag dca'",
"'retrieval qual flag dca'",
"'retrieval qual flag scah'",
"'retrieval qual flag scah'",
"'retrieval qual flag scav'",
"'retrieval qual flag scav'",
"'roughness coefficient'",
"'roughness coefficient'",
"'roughness coefficient dca'",
"'roughness coefficient dca'",
"'roughness coefficient scah'",
"'roughness coefficient scah'",
"'roughness coefficient scav'",
"'roughness coefficient scav'",
"'soil moisture'",
"'soil moisture'",
"'soil moisture dca'",
"'soil moisture dca'",
"'soil moisture error'",
"'soil moisture error'",
"'soil moisture scah'",
"'soil moisture scah'",
"'soil moisture scav'",
"'soil moisture scav'",
"'static water body fraction'",
"'static water body fraction'",
"'surface flag'",
"'surface flag'",
"'surface temperature'",
"'surface temperature'",
"'surface water fraction mb h'",
"'surface water fraction mb h'",
"'surface water fraction mb v'",
"'surface water fraction mb v'",
"'tb 3 corrected'",
"'tb 3 corrected'",
"'tb 4 corrected'",
"'tb 4 corrected'",
"'tb h corrected'",
"'tb h corrected'",
"'tb h uncorrected'",
"'tb h uncorrected'",
"'tb qual flag 3'",
"'tb qual flag 3'",
"'tb qual flag 4'",
"'tb qual flag 4'",
"'tb qual flag h'",
"'tb qual flag h'",
"'tb qual flag v'",
"'tb qual flag v'",
"'tb time seconds'",
"'tb time seconds'",
"'tb v corrected'",
"'tb v corrected'",
"'tb v uncorrected'",
"'tb v uncorrected'",
"'vegetation opacity'",
"'vegetation opacity'",
"'vegetation opacity dca'",
"'vegetation opacity dca'",
"'vegetation opacity scah'",
"'vegetation opacity scah'",
"'vegetation opacity scav'",
"'vegetation opacity scav'",
"'vegetation water content'",
"'vegetation water content'",
"'EASE column index pm'",
"'EASE column index pm'",
"'EASE row index pm'",
"'EASE row index pm'",
"'albedo dca pm'",
"'albedo dca pm'",
"'albedo pm'",
"'albedo pm'",
"'albedo scah pm'",
"'albedo scah pm'",
"'albedo scav pm'",
"'albedo scav pm'",
"'boresight incidence pm'",
"'boresight incidence pm'",
"'bulk density pm'",
"'bulk density pm'",
"'clay fraction pm'",
"'clay fraction pm'",
"'freeze thaw fraction pm'",
"'freeze thaw fraction pm'",
"'grid surface status pm'",
"'grid surface status pm'",
"'landcover class fraction pm'",
"'landcover class fraction pm'",
"'landcover class pm'",
"'landcover class pm'",
"'latitude centroid pm'",
"'latitude centroid pm'",
"'latitude pm'",
"'latitude pm'",
"'longitude centroid pm'",
"'longitude centroid pm'",
"'longitude pm'",
"'longitude pm'",
"'radar water body fraction pm'",
"'radar water body fraction pm'",
"'retrieval qual flag dca pm'",
"'retrieval qual flag dca pm'",
"'retrieval qual flag pm'",
"'retrieval qual flag pm'",
"'retrieval qual flag scah pm'",
"'retrieval qual flag scah pm'",
"'retrieval qual flag scav pm'",
"'retrieval qual flag scav pm'",
"'roughness coefficient dca pm'",
"'roughness coefficient dca pm'",
"'roughness coefficient pm'",
"'roughness coefficient pm'",
"'roughness coefficient scah pm'",
"'roughness coefficient scah pm'",
"'roughness coefficient scav pm'",
"'roughness coefficient scav pm'",
"'soil moisture dca pm'",
"'soil moisture dca pm'",
"'soil moisture error pm'",
"'soil moisture error pm'",
"'soil moisture pm'",
"'soil moisture pm'",
"'soil moisture scah pm'",
"'soil moisture scah pm'",
"'soil moisture scav pm'",
"'soil moisture scav pm'",
"'static water body fraction pm'",
"'static water body fraction pm'",
"'surface flag pm'",
"'surface flag pm'",
"'surface temperature pm'",
"'surface temperature pm'",
"'surface water fraction mb h pm'",
"'surface water fraction mb h pm'",
"'surface water fraction mb v pm'",
"'surface water fraction mb v pm'",
"'tb 3 corrected pm'",
"'tb 3 corrected pm'",
"'tb 4 corrected pm'",
"'tb 4 corrected pm'",
"'tb h corrected pm'",
"'tb h corrected pm'",
"'tb h uncorrected pm'",
"'tb h uncorrected pm'",
"'tb qual flag 3 pm'",
"'tb qual flag 3 pm'",
"'tb qual flag 4 pm'",
"'tb qual flag 4 pm'",
"'tb qual flag h pm'",
"'tb qual flag h pm'",
"'tb qual flag v pm'",
"'tb qual flag v pm'",
"'tb time seconds pm'",
"'tb time seconds pm'",
"'tb v corrected pm'",
"'tb v corrected pm'",
"'tb v uncorrected pm'",
"'tb v uncorrected pm'",
"'vegetation opacity dca pm'",
"'vegetation opacity dca pm'",
"'vegetation opacity pm'",
"'vegetation opacity pm'",
"'vegetation opacity scah pm'",
"'vegetation opacity scah pm'",
"'vegetation opacity scav pm'",
"'vegetation opacity scav pm'",
"'vegetation water content pm'",
"'vegetation water content pm'",
"processid": "tableinsert",
"overwrite": false,
"parameters": {
"db": "karttur",
"schema": "smap",
"table": "template",
"command": {
"columns": [
"values": [
"'EASE column index'",
"'The column index of the 9 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data.'",
"'EASE row index'",
"'The row index of the 9 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data.'",
"'Diffuse reflecting power of the Earths surface used in SCA-V within the grid cell.'",
"'albedo dca'",
"'Diffuse reflecting power of the Earths surface used in DCA within the grid cell.'",
"'albedo scah'",
"'Diffuse reflecting power of the Earths surface used in SCA-H within the grid cell.'",
"'albedo scav'",
"'Diffuse reflecting power of the Earths surface used in SCA-V within the grid cell.'",
"'boresight incidence'",
"'Representative angle between the antenna boresight vector and the normal to the Earths surface for all footprints within the cell.'",
"'bulk density'",
"'A unitless value that is indicative of aggregated bulk_density within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'clay fraction'",
"'A unitless value that is indicative of aggregated clay fraction within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'freeze thaw fraction'",
"'Fraction of the 9 km grid cell that is denoted as frozen. Based on binary flag that specifies freeze thaw conditions in each of the component 3 km grid cells.'",
"'grid surface status'",
"'Indicates if the grid point lies on land (0) or water (1).'",
"'Latitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell.'",
"'latitude centroid'",
"'Weighted average of the latitude of the center of the brightness temperature footprints that fall within the EASE grid cell.'",
"'Longitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell.'",
"'longitude centroid'",
"'Weighted average of the longitude of the center of the brightness temperature footprints that fall within the EASE grid cell.'",
"'radar water body fraction'",
"'The fraction of the area of the 9 km grid cell that is covered by water based on the radar detection algorithm.'",
"'retrieval qual flag'",
"'Bit flags that record the conditions and the quality of the SCA-V retrieval algorithms that generate soil moisture for the grid cell.'",
"'retrieval qual flag dca'",
"'Bit flags that record the conditions and the quality of the DCA retrieval algorithms that generate soil moisture for the grid cell.'",
"'retrieval qual flag scah'",
"'Bit flags that record the conditions and the quality of the SCA-H retrieval algorithms that generate soil moisture for the grid cell.'",
"'retrieval qual flag scav'",
"'Bit flags that record the conditions and the quality of the SCA-V retrieval algorithms that generate soil moisture for the grid cell.'",
"'roughness coefficient'",
"'A unitless value that is indicative of bare soil roughness used in SCA-V within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'roughness coefficient dca'",
"'A unitless value that is indicative of bare soil roughness used in DCA within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'roughness coefficient scah'",
"'A unitless value that is indicative of bare soil roughness used in SCA-H within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'roughness coefficient scav'",
"'A unitless value that is indicative of bare soil roughness used in SCA-V within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'soil moisture'",
"'Representative SCA-V soil moisture measurement for the Earth based grid cell.'",
"'soil moisture dca'",
"'Representative DCA soil moisture measurement for the Earth based grid cell.'",
"'soil moisture error'",
"'Net uncertainty measure of soil moisture measure for the Earth based grid cell. - Calculation method is TBD.'",
"'soil moisture scah'",
"'Representative SCA-H soil moisture measurement for the Earth based grid cell.'",
"'soil moisture scav'",
"'Representative SCA-V soil moisture measurement for the Earth based grid cell.'",
"'static water body fraction'",
"'The fraction of the area of the 9 km grid cell that is covered by static water based on a Digital Elevation Map.'",
"'surface flag'",
"'Bit flags that record ambient surface conditions for the grid cell'",
"'surface temperature'",
"'Temperature at land surface based on GMAO GEOS-5 data.'",
"'surface water fraction mb h'",
"'Gain weighted fraction of static water within the radiometer horizontal polarization brightness temperature antenna pattern in 36 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'surface water fraction mb v'",
"'Gain weighted fraction of static water within the radiometer vertical polarization brightness temperature antenna pattern in 36 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'tb 3 corrected'",
"'Third stokes parameter for each 9 km grid cell calculated with an adjustment for the presence of water bodies'",
"'tb 4 corrected'",
"'Fourth stokes parameter for each 9 km grid cell calculated with an adjustment for the presence of water bodies'",
"'tb h corrected'",
"'Horizontal polarization brightness temperature in 9 km Earth grid cell adjusted for the presence of water bodies.'",
"'tb h uncorrected'",
"'Horizontal polarization brightness temperature in 36 km Earth grid cell before adjustment for the presence of water bodies.'",
"'tb qual flag 3'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the 3rd Stokes brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'tb qual flag 4'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the 4th Stokes brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'tb qual flag h'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the horizontal polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'tb qual flag v'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the vertical polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'tb time seconds'",
"'Arithmetic average of the acquisition time of all of the brightness temperature footprints with a center that falls within the EASE grid cell in seconds since noon on January 1 2000 UTC.'",
"'tb v corrected'",
"'Vertical polarization brightness temperature in 9 km Earth grid cell adjusted for the presence of water bodies.'",
"'tb v uncorrected'",
"'Vertical polarization brightness temperature in 36 km Earth grid cell before adjustment for the presence of water bodies.'",
"'vegetation opacity'",
"'The measured opacity of the vegetation used in the SCA-V retrieval in the grid cell.'",
"'vegetation opacity dca'",
"'The measured opacity of the vegetation used in the DCA retrieval in the grid cell.'",
"'vegetation opacity scah'",
"'The measured opacity of the vegetation used in the SCA-H retrieval in the grid cell.'",
"'vegetation opacity scav'",
"'The measured opacity of the vegetation used in the SCA-V retrieval in the grid cell.'",
"'vegetation water content'",
"'Representative measure of water in the vegetation within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'EASE column index pm'",
"'The column index of the 9 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data.'",
"'EASE row index pm'",
"'The row index of the 9 km EASE grid cell that contains the associated data.'",
"'albedo dca pm'",
"'Diffuse reflecting power of the Earths surface used in DCA retrievals within the grid cell.'",
"'albedo pm'",
"'Diffuse reflecting power of the Earths surface used in SCA-V retrievals within the grid cell.'",
"'albedo scah pm'",
"'Diffuse reflecting power of the Earths surface used in SCA-H retrievals within the grid cell.'",
"'albedo scav pm'",
"'Diffuse reflecting power of the Earths surface used in SCA-V retrievals within the grid cell.'",
"'boresight incidence pm'",
"'Representative angle between the antenna boresight vector and the normal to the Earths surface for all footprints within the cell.'",
"'bulk density pm'",
"'A unitless value that is indicative of aggregated bulk density within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'clay fraction pm'",
"'A unitless value that is indicative of aggregated clay fraction within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'freeze thaw fraction pm'",
"'Fraction of the 9 km grid cell that is denoted as frozen. Based on binary flag that specifies freeze thaw conditions in each of the component 3 km grid cells.'",
"'grid surface status pm'",
"'Indicates if the grid point lies on land (0) or water (1).'",
"'latitude centroid pm'",
"'Weighted average of the latitude of the center of the brightness temperature footprints that fall within the EASE grid cell.'",
"'latitude pm'",
"'Latitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell.'",
"'longitude centroid pm'",
"'Weighted average of the longitude of the center of the brightness temperature footprints that fall within the EASE grid cell.'",
"'longitude pm'",
"'Longitude of the center of the Earth based grid cell.'",
"'radar water body fraction pm'",
"'The fraction of the area of the 9 km grid cell that is covered by water based on the radar detection algorithm.'",
"'retrieval qual flag dca pm'",
"'Bit flags that record the conditions and the quality of the DCA retrieval algorithms that generate soil moisture for the grid cell.'",
"'retrieval qual flag pm'",
"'Bit flags that record the conditions and the quality of the SCA-V retrieval algorithms that generate soil moisture for the grid cell.'",
"'retrieval qual flag scah pm'",
"'Bit flags that record the conditions and the quality of the SCA-H retrieval algorithms that generate soil moisture for the grid cell.'",
"'retrieval qual flag scav pm'",
"'Bit flags that record the conditions and the quality of the SCA-V retrieval algorithms that generate soil moisture for the grid cell.'",
"'roughness coefficient dca pm'",
"'A unitless value that is indicative of bare soil roughness used in DCA retrievals within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'roughness coefficient pm'",
"'A unitless value that is indicative of bare soil roughness used in SCA-V retrievals within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'roughness coefficient scah pm'",
"'A unitless value that is indicative of bare soil roughness used in SCA-H retrievals within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'roughness coefficient scav pm'",
"'A unitless value that is indicative of bare soil roughness used in SCA-V retrievals within the 9 km grid cell.'",
"'soil moisture dca pm'",
"'Representative DCA soil moisture measurement for the Earth based grid cell.'",
"'soil moisture error pm'",
"'Net uncertainty measure of soil moisture measure for the Earth based grid cell. - Calculation method is TBD.'",
"'soil moisture pm'",
"'Representative SCA-V soil moisture measurement for the Earth based grid cell.'",
"'soil moisture scah pm'",
"'Representative SCA-H soil moisture measurement for the Earth based grid cell.'",
"'soil moisture scav pm'",
"'Representative SCA-V soil moisture measurement for the Earth based grid cell.'",
"'static water body fraction pm'",
"'The fraction of the area of the 9 km grid cell that is covered by static water based on a Digital Elevation Map.'",
"'surface flag pm'",
"'Bit flags that record ambient surface conditions for the grid cell'",
"'surface temperature pm'",
"'Temperature at land surface based on GMAO GEOS-5 data.'",
"'surface water fraction mb h pm'",
"'Gain weighted fraction of static water within the radiometer horizontal polarization brightness temperature antenna pattern in 36 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'surface water fraction mb v pm'",
"'Gain weighted fraction of static water within the radiometer vertical polarization brightness temperature antenna pattern in 36 km Earth grid cell.'",
"'tb 3 corrected pm'",
"'Third stokes parameter for each 9 km grid cell calculated with an adjustment for the presence of water bodies'",
"'tb 4 corrected pm'",
"'Fourth stokes parameter for each 9 km grid cell calculated with an adjustment for the presence of water bodies'",
"'tb h corrected pm'",
"'Horizontal polarization brightness temperature in 9 km Earth grid cell adjusted for the presence of water bodies.'",
"'tb h uncorrected pm'",
"'Horizontal polarization brightness temperature in 36 km Earth grid cell before adjustment for the presence of water bodies.'",
"'tb qual flag 3 pm'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the 3rd Stokes brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'tb qual flag 4 pm'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the 4th Stokes brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'tb qual flag h pm'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the horizontal polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'tb qual flag v pm'",
"'Bit flags that represent the quality of the vertical polarization brightness temperature within each grid cell'",
"'tb time seconds pm'",
"'Arithmetic average of the acquisition time of all of the brightness temperature footprints with a center that falls within the EASE grid cell in seconds since noon on January 1 2000 UTC.'",
"'tb v corrected pm'",
"'Vertical polarization brightness temperature in 9 km Earth grid cell adjusted for the presence of water bodies.'",
"'tb v uncorrected pm'",
"'Vertical polarization brightness temperature in 36 km Earth grid cell before adjustment for the presence of water bodies.'",
"'vegetation opacity dca pm'",
"'The measured opacity of the vegetation used in DCA retrievals in the grid cell.'",
"'vegetation opacity pm'",
"'The measured opacity of the vegetation used in SCA-V retrievals in the grid cell.'",
"'vegetation opacity scah pm'",
"'The measured opacity of the vegetation used in SCA-H retrievals in the grid cell.'",
"'vegetation opacity scav pm'",
"'The measured opacity of the vegetation used in SCA-V retrievals in the grid cell.'",
"'vegetation water content pm'",
"'Representative measure of water in the vegetation within the 9 km grid cell.'",