Rootprocess: Periodicity

Subprocess: Periodicity

Excerpt: Period settings

Complete json command structure (overriding defaults)

  "userproject": {
    "userid": "karttur",
    "projectid": "karttur",
    "tractid": "karttur",
    "siteid": "*",
    "plotid": "*",
    "system": "system"
  "period": {
    "timestep": "static"
  "process": [
      "processid": "Periodicity",
      "srcperiod": {
        "addons": "0",
        "maxdaysaddons": "0",
        "timestep": "NA"
      "dstperiod": {
        "timestep": "NA"
      "period": {
        "addons": "0",
        "averagets": "False",
        "endday": "31",
        "endmonth": "12",
        "endyear": "2100",
        "maxdaysaddons": "0",
        "seasonalts": "False",
        "seasonendday": "31",
        "seasonendmonth": "12",
        "seasonstartday": "1",
        "seasonstartmonth": "1",
        "startday": "1",
        "startmonth": "1",
        "startyear": "1900",
        "timestep": "static"

Required json command structure (accepting all defaults)

  "userproject": {
    "userid": "karttur",
    "projectid": "karttur",
    "tractid": "karttur",
    "siteid": "*",
    "plotid": "*",
    "system": "system"
  "period": {
    "timestep": "static"
  "process": [
      "processid": "Periodicity",
      "srcperiod": {},
      "dstperiod": {},
      "period": {}

List of parameters

parent element paramid type required default
process srcperiod addons integer False 0
process srcperiod maxdaysaddons integer False 0
process srcperiod timestep text False NA
process dstperiod timestep text False NA
process period addons integer False 0
process period averagets boolean False False
process period endday integer False 31
process period endmonth integer False 12
process period endyear integer False 2100
process period maxdaysaddons integer False 0
process period seasonalts boolean False False
process period seasonendday integer False 31
process period seasonendmonth integer False 12
process period seasonstartday integer False 1
process period seasonstartmonth integer False 1
process period startday integer False 1
process period startmonth integer False 1
process period startyear integer False 1900
process period timestep text False static

Hints for parameters

parent element paramid hint
process srcperiod addons Addons for source time series that differes from process timeseries
process srcperiod maxdaysaddons Type of time series (loosely based on Pandas)
process srcperiod timestep Type of time series (loosely based on Pandas)
process dstperiod timestep Destination data set timestep if different from process timestep
process period addons added timesteps at start and end
process period averagets Is this a seasonal signal
process period endday day of month of last data point
process period endmonth month of last data point
process period endyear year of last data point
process period maxdaysaddons Maximum number of days allowed for adding to start and end
process period seasonalts Is this a seasonal signal
process period seasonendday Last day of month of seasonal data
process period seasonendmonth last month of seasonal data
process period seasonstartday First day of month of seasonal data
process period seasonstartmonth first month of seasonal data
process period startday day of month of first data point
process period startmonth month of first data point
process period startyear year of first data point
process period timestep Type of time series (loosely based on Pandas)