Rootprocess: NumpyProc

Subprocess: NumpyGeomorphology

Excerpt: Extract Geomorphology from multilayers

Complete json command structure (overriding defaults)

  "userproject": {
    "userid": "karttur",
    "projectid": "karttur",
    "tractid": "karttur",
    "siteid": "*",
    "plotid": "*",
    "system": "system"
  "period": {
    "timestep": "static"
  "process": [
      "processid": "NumpyGeomorphology",
      "parameters": {
        "mode": "weiss",
        "standardize": "False",
        "detailedTPIstd": "30",
        "bluntTPIstd": "50",
        "slopethreshold": "1",
        "tpithreshold": "5",
        "palette": ""
      "srccomp": [
          "user_def_1": {
            "content": "",
            "layerid": "*",
            "prefix": "",
            "product": "",
            "source": "",
            "suffix": ""
          "user_def..n": {
            "content": "",
            "layerid": "*",
            "prefix": "",
            "product": "",
            "source": "",
            "suffix": ""
      "srcpath": {
        "volume": "",
        "hdr": "tif",
        "dat": ""
      "dstcopy": {
        "cellnull": "255",
        "celltype": "Byte",
        "dataunit": "class",
        "layerid": "*",
        "prefix": "*",
        "srccomp": "bluntTPI"
      "dstpath": {
        "volume": "",
        "hdr": "tif",
        "dat": ""

Required json command structure (accepting all defaults)

  "userproject": {
    "userid": "karttur",
    "projectid": "karttur",
    "tractid": "karttur",
    "siteid": "*",
    "plotid": "*",
    "system": "system"
  "period": {
    "timestep": "static"
  "process": [
      "processid": "NumpyGeomorphology",
      "parameters": {
        "mode": "weiss"
      "srccomp": [
          "user_def_1": {
            "content": "",
            "layerid": "*",
            "prefix": "",
            "product": "",
            "source": "",
            "suffix": ""
          "user_def..n": {
            "content": "",
            "layerid": "*",
            "prefix": "",
            "product": "",
            "source": "",
            "suffix": ""
      "srcpath": {
        "volume": ""
      "dstcopy": {
        "layerid": "*",
        "prefix": "*",
        "srccomp": "bluntTPI"
      "dstpath": {
        "volume": ""

List of parameters

parent element paramid type required default
process parameters mode text True weiss
process parameters standardize boolean False False
process parameters detailedTPIstd float False 30
process parameters bluntTPIstd float False 50
process parameters slopethreshold float False 1
process parameters tpithreshold float False 5
process parameters palette text False
process srccomp bluntTPI element True bluntTPI
process srccomp detailedTPI element True detailedTPI
process srccomp slope element True slope
process srcpath volume text True
process srcpath hdr text False tif
process srcpath dat text False
process dstcopy cellnull integer False 255
process dstcopy celltype text False Byte
process dstcopy dataunit text False class
process dstcopy layerid text True *
process dstcopy prefix text True *
process dstcopy srccomp text True bluntTPI
process dstpath volume text True
process dstpath hdr text False tif
process dstpath dat text False

Hints for parameters

parent element paramid hint
process parameters mode to be completed
process parameters standardize Standardize or not.
process parameters detailedTPIstd Global standard deviation for detailed TPI
process parameters bluntTPIstd Global standard deviation for blunt TPI
process parameters slopethreshold slope threshold
process parameters tpithreshold TPI threshold
process parameters palette Palette.
process srccomp bluntTPI link for source composition blunt TPI
process srccomp detailedTPI link for source composition detailed TPI
process srccomp slope link for source composition slope
process srcpath volume to be completed
process srcpath hdr to be completed
process srcpath dat to be completed
process dstcopy cellnull unknown hint
process dstcopy celltype unknown hint
process dstcopy dataunit unknown hint
process dstcopy layerid unknown hint
process dstcopy prefix unknown hint
process dstcopy srccomp unknown hint
process dstpath volume to be completed
process dstpath hdr to be completed
process dstpath dat to be completed