Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

DEM neighbourhood analysis - illustrations


This article illustrates some of the DEM neighborhood indices introduced in the previous post.

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Elevation data from which the metrics below was derived; left image at 90 m resolution, right image after average smoothing with a 3x3 equal weights square kernel.
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Slope steepness derived from Karttur's GeoImagine Framework (numpy and scipy); left image from a 3x3 kernel, right image from a 9x9 kernel.
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Profile curvature derived from the grass module r.params.scale; left image from a 3x3 kernel, right image from a 9x9 kernel.
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Cross curvature derived from the grass module r.params.scale; left image from a 3x3 kernel, right image from a 9x9 kernel.
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Longitudinal curvature derived from the grass module r.params.scale; left image from a 3x3 kernel, right image from a 9x9 kernel.
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Planar curvature derived from the grass module r.params.scale; left image from a 3x3 kernel, right image from a 9x9 kernel.
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Topographic Ruggedness Index (TRI) derived from GDAL and Karttur's GeoImagine Framework; left image from a 3x3 kernel, right image from a 9x9 kernel.
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Topographic Position Index (TPI) derived from GDAL and Karttur's GeoImagine Framework; left image from a 3x3 kernel, right image from a 9x9 kernel.
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Landform classes derived from dual scale TPI analysis using Karttur's GeoImagine Framework; left image from a 3x3 + 9+9 kernel, right image from a 3x3 + 18x18 kernel.
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Geomorphon classes derived from GRASS module r.geomorphon; top row image from a 3x3 kernel and the original DEM, lower left image from a 5x5 kernel applied after filtering the DEM with an averaging 3x3 kernel, lower right image from a 9x9 kernel applied to an unfiltered DEM.
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Morphology classes derived from the GRASS module r.param.scale; left image from a 3x3 kernel, right image from a 9x9 kernel.