Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

Map: Average rainfall 2001-2016, global tropics

DEM hill side indices - illustrations


This article illustrates some of the DEM hill side indices introduced in the previous post.

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Elevation data from which the metrics and indices below were derived; left image at 90 m resolution, right image after average smoothing with a 3x3 equal weights square kernel.
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Streams and distances to draining stream along the hillside flow route (left panel) and elevation difference between land surface and drainage point (hydraulic head).
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Distances to the closest water divider along the flow route (left panel) and elevation difference difference between the land surface and this nearest divider.
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Distances to the furthest water divider along the flow route (left panel) and elevation difference difference between the land surface and this furthest divider. Note that the scaling differs compared to the figure above illustrating the distance and elevation difference to the nearest water divider
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Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) hillside indexes for, left: slope length, and right: slopre steepness.
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Upstream drainage areas, left: from single flow direction (SFD) analysis, and right: Multiple Flow Direction (MFD) analysis. The scaling is the same for both images and represent the natural logarithm of the total upstream area of each cell.
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Wetlness and steam power index; left: Topographci Convergence Index (TCI) also labeles Topographic Wetniess Index (TWI), and right: Stream Power Index (SPI).